Interchange service-implementation & service-configuration at runtime (using dynamic dependency injection), for Kotlin.
All the services, the implementations, the configurations, etc. are typesafe, as all things should be.
As of commit ff82ae5: 100% test coverage according to the JaCoCo coverage report.
Maintainer: @KBurgmann
Add the dependency using Gradle:
or Maven:
abstract class SimpleTestService : BaseService() {
override val implementation get() = serviceImplementation<SimpleTestService>()
open fun function1(): Int = implementation.function1()
open fun function2(): String = implementation.function2()
companion object : ServiceProvider {
override fun getService() = object : SimpleTestService() {}
class SimpleTestServiceImpl1 : SimpleTestService() {
override fun function1() = 1
override fun function2() = "Impl 1"
class InheritedFromImpl1 : SimpleTestServiceImpl1() {
override fun function2() = "The better ${super.function2()}"
Using code:
Or using a service-matrix file:
// Load ""
Without needing any config file! (extremely useful when using your software as a dependency)
abstract class SimpleTestService : BaseService() {
override val implementation get() = serviceImplementation<SimpleTestService>()
open fun function1(): Int = implementation.function1()
open fun function2(): String = implementation.function2()
companion object : ServiceProvider {
override fun getService() = object : SimpleTestService() {}
override fun defaultImplementation() = SimpleTestServiceImpl1()
Your new service implementation:
class ConfigurationTestServiceImpl1(configurationPath: String) : ConfigurationTestService() {
data class SomeExtraThings(val name: String)
data class MyConfig1(val env: String, val someExtraThings: SomeExtraThings) : ServiceConfiguration
override val configuration: MyConfig1 = fromConfiguration(configurationPath)
override fun someInfoText(): String =
And the matching config file:
env: "staging"
someExtraThings: {
name: "Implementation Nr. 1"
And then register them with code:
Or using a service-matrix file:
// Load ""
For the following service:
abstract class ReregistrationTestService : BaseService() {
override val implementation get() = serviceImplementation<ReregistrationTestService>()
open fun function1(): Int = implementation.function1()
companion object : ServiceProvider {
override fun getService() = object : ReregistrationTestService() {}
class ReregistrationTestServiceImpl1 : ReregistrationTestService() {
override fun function1() = 1
class ReregistrationTestServiceImpl2 : ReregistrationTestService() {
override fun function1() = 2
The output will be:
// Register implementation 1
val service = ReregistrationTestService.getService()
println(service.function1()) // 1
// Reregister with implementation 2
// Still calling the same variable!
println(service.function1()) // 2
The Service Matrix project by is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.