Pure rust library in Lyra2, Lyra2RE, Lyra2REv2, Lyra2REv3.
The following golang libraries have been rewritten in Rust. https://github.com/bitgoin/lyra2rev2
extern crate lyra2;
fn main() {
let base1 = "abc".as_bytes().to_vec();
let base2 = base1.clone();
let lyra2_result1 = lyra2::lyra2::lyra2(32, base1, base2, 1, 4, 4);
println!("result: {:?}", lyra2_result1);
//result: [143, 99, 117, 139, 209, 120, 240, 20, 234, 63, 212, 223, 9, 255, 10, 97, 100, 109, 197, 116, 160, 182, 188, 242, 137, 14, 197, 41, 166, 167, 54, 12]
extern crate lyra2;
fn main() {
let base = "脇山珠美ちゃんかわいい!".as_bytes().to_vec();
let lyra2rev2_result = lyra2::lyra2rev2::sum(base);
.map(|n| format!("{:02x}", n))
extern crate lyra2;
fn main() {
let base3 = parse_hex("700000005d385ba114d079971b29a9418fd0549e7d68a95c7f168621a314201000000000578586d149fd07b22f3a8a347c516de7052f034d2b76ff68e0d6ecff9b77a45489e3fd511732011df0731000");
let lyra2rev3_result1 = lyra2::lyra2rev3::sum(base3);
println!("result: {:?}", lyra2rev3_result1.iter()
.map(|n| format!("{:02x}", n))
//result: "5d7b298258e78881c7831ba1e46751b089efdf1fdb9eb01edd03b8d7ed39eafb"
// from code https://tutorialmore.com/questions-23721.htm
fn parse_hex(hex_asm: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let hex_chars: Vec<char> = hex_asm.as_bytes().iter().filter_map(|b| {
let ch = char::from(*b);
if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') || ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F') {
} else {
let mut index = 0usize;
let (odd_chars, even_chars): (Vec<char>, Vec<char>) = hex_chars.into_iter().partition(|_| {
index = index + 1;
index % 2 == 1
odd_chars.into_iter().zip(even_chars.into_iter()).map(|(c0, c1)| {
fn hexchar2int(ch: char) -> u8 {
if '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' {
ch as u8 - '0' as u8
} else {
0xa +
if 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'f' {
ch as u8 - 'a' as u8
} else if 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'F' {
ch as u8 - 'A' as u8
} else {
hexchar2int(c0) * 0x10 + hexchar2int(c1)
In order to use this crate, you have to add it under [dependencies]
to your Cargo.toml
lyra2 = "0.2.8"
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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.