whatismyipaddress.com in just a few lines of code.
$ curl -s https://ip.jaw.dev/ | jq
$ curl -s https://ip.jaw.dev\?geo\=true | jq
If the IP address was found, the lookup method returns an object with the following structure:
// https://ip.jaw.dev/?geo=true
// https://ip.jaw.dev/?geo=true&json=true
ip: '', // ip address
range: [420, 69], // <low bound of IP block>, <high bound of IP block>
country: 'XX', // 2 letter ISO-3166-1 country code
region: 'RR', // Up to 3 alphanumeric variable length characters as ISO 3166-2 code
// For US states this is the 2 letter state
// For the United Kingdom this could be ENG as a country like โEngland
// FIPS 10-4 subcountry code
eu: '0', // 1 if the country is a member state of the European Union, 0 otherwise.
timezone: 'Country/Zone', // Timezone from IANA Time Zone Database
city: "City Name", // This is the full city name
ll: [420, 69], // The latitude and longitude of the city
metro: 420, // Metro code
area: 69 // The approximate accuracy radius (km), around the latitude and longitude
guide. - See CONTRIBUTION for
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