- Create a new class "Task1" (or the name you want it) which must extend factory.Task class, and put it inside the package "task";
- You must override the method "executeTask()" that returns a String;
- You can display, in the Scheduler execution, the result from a Task by returning some String;
- You can also save some result to an Object type variable "response" in order to use it in some dependent task;
- All the steps from "How to create a Task";
- You must certify whether the Task has a response from a Father's Task by using the function "hasFatherTaskResponse()";
- There are also ways to check the response type "isFatherResponseType(Class type)" or the way you prefer, before casting the Object to the type you want it;
Open config.properties file;
You can either change an existing property "list_of_tasks", or comment (//) and create another one;
The syntax for creating a unique task with no dependency in the list is:
- name_father_task_class:fixed_rate,given_delay);
- The scheduler will run the Fibonacci46 Task every 60 seconds, with a zero second delay for a dependency (there is none in the above example).
- The syntax for creating a task with 1 or more parallel dependencies.
- You must separate the tasks by using the "--" symbol and the ":given_delay" flag in dependencies is not mandatory;
- name_father_task_class:fixed_rate,given_delay)name_class_task1:given_delay--name_class_task2:given_delay--name_class_taskN:given_delay;
- As the dependencies run in parallel, it's not necessary to specify a given delay, as shown in the above example.
- The syntax for creating a task with 1 or more sequential dependencies.
- You must separate the tasks by using the "->" symbol and the ":given_delay" flag is not mandatory;
- name_father_task_class:fixed_rate,given_delay)name_class_task1:given_delay->name_class_task2:given_delay->name_class_taskN:given_delay;
- This task will be running every 2 minutes. The father task will get all the bitcoin info, waits for 10 seconds and schedule the dependency task BitcoinPrice. The BitcoinPrice will run, wait 5 seconds and pass the information to its dependency task BitcoinEvaluate to evaluate it.
- The syntax to run more than one father task in parallel.
- You must separate the task by the symbol ";".
- name_father_task_class:fixed_rate,given_delay)[dependencies];name_father_task_class:fixed_rate,given_delay)[dependencies];
- In the example above, the SortingCreateArrays task will be running every 60 seconds. Fibonacci45 and Fibonacci46 tasks will run just once because the fixed_rate is 0 (zero).
- You cannot have a father task with sequential "->" and parallel "--" dependencies.