Caloricam was my MSc IT dissertation project. The goal of this project was to use Reverse Image Search to identify common foods and food products. For example: When you eat at McDonalds, you could take a picture of the Big Yellow M and, theoretically, the app would show you items from McDonalds Menu to select from. You could then pick the item you're eating from the menu and get the nutritional information.
There are 4 endpoints involved:
Endpoint | Path | Description |
Upload | POST /CalorieApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/api/upload | Uploads and indexes a picture. This should be a picture of food. |
Link | GET /CalorieApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/api/link?image_name=X.jpg&food_name=banana | Links an uploaded picture with a food name. |
Identify | GET /CalorieApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/api/identify?image_name=Y.jpg | Does a reverse image search on Y.jpg to find matching uploaded images. Returns the food name of similar images. |
Recognize | GET /CalorieApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/api/recognize?image_name=Y.jpg | Does a reverse image search on Y.jpg to find matching uploaded images. Returns the nutrition info of similar images. |
I have cleaned up the project because I wanted to see it work (and show my kids) but there are a lot of limitations and technical problems:
- You could upload a picture of a puppy and claim it's a octopus.
- Not a proper REST API
- No authentication
I won't be spending more time to build a proper application. Just enough to be able to run it as-is when I need to.
I've migrated the project to Hibernate but did a rush job of it. You might need to begin and commit a transaction. See ImageDAO
for an example.
The NullPointerException
might occur when the JNDI lookup is able to find the datasource but unable to use it to create a connection.
This usually means there's something wrong with the database e.g. the database failed to create or the docker container has shut down.
- Investigate the logs of the db container.
- Delete the
directory and restart the docker containermake up
This project uses a local maven repository .local-maven-repo
to store the LIRe
library jar.
To add a new jar to this local maven repo, you can use the following command:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=net.semanticmetadata.lire -DartifactId=lire -Dversion=1.0b4 -Durl=file:./local-maven-repo/ -DrepositoryId=local-maven-repo -DupdateReleaseInfo=true -Dfile=/path/to/jar/example/lire.jar