QuickStarter for React with Vite: A streamlined template to kickstart your React projects with essential features built-in. Boost your development process with speed and efficiency.
βββ components.json # Configuration for Shadcn UI components
βββ index.html # Main HTML file
βββ package.json # Project metadata and dependencies
βββ prettier.config.js # Prettier configuration
βββ public/ # Public assets
β βββ images/ # Image assets
βββ src/ # Source files
β βββ App.tsx # Main app component
β βββ components/ # React components
β β βββ ui/ # UI components
β βββ hooks/ # Custom hooks
β βββ index.css # Main CSS file
β βββ lib/ # Utility functions
β βββ main.tsx # Main entry point
β βββ vite-env.d.ts # TypeScript Vite environment definitions
βββ tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
βββ tsconfig.app.json # TypeScript app configuration
βββ tsconfig.json # TypeScript base configuration
βββ tsconfig.node.json # TypeScript Node configuration
βββ vite.config.ts # Vite configuration
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/vwh/revite
cd revite
# Using Bun
bun install
# Or using npm
npm install
Start the development server:
# Using Bun
bun run dev
# Or using npm
npm run dev
Build the project for production:
# Using Bun
bun run build
# Or using npm
npm run build
Preview the production build locally:
# Using Bun
bun run preview
# Or using npm
npm run preview
Lint the project files:
# Using Bun
bun run lint
# Or using npm
npm run lint
Format the project files:
# Using Bun
bun run format
# Or using npm
npm run format
Check the formatting:
# Using Bun
bun run format:check
# Or using npm
npm run format:check
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open a pull request with your improvements or fixes.