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Releases: vuejs/vuepress


14 Aug 08:09
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Bug Fixes

  • core: failed to resolve theme components when using theme inheritance (close: #3163) (#3164) (546499b)
  • markdown: replace double quotation marks in classname(fix #3152) (#3154) (cef64e6)


23 Dec 19:56
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TS Support for VuePress Plugin and Theme.


We've announced VuePress 1.9 that takes full TypeScript Support for Config File, while VuePress 1.9.2 ships with TS Support for VuePress Plugin and Theme:

Quick Start

In order to make the plugin developer not dependent on VuePress for development, we provide a completely independent type package @vuepress/types:

npm i @vuepress/types -D

@vuepress/types exports four functions:

  • defineConfig
  • defineConfig4CustomTheme
  • defineTheme
  • definePlugin

Note that using @vuepress/types is equivalent to using vuepress/config.

Plugin Type

If you already have some VuePress plugins written in JS, you can leverage your IDE's intellisense with jsdoc type hints:

 * @type {import('@vuepress/types').Plugin}
module.exports = {
  ready() {
    // ...

Alternatively, you can use the defineConfig helper which should provide intellisense without the need for jsdoc annotations:

import { definePlugin } from "@vuepress/types";

export default definePlugin({
  // ...

Plugin Options Type

Type of plugin options also supports passing in through generic type:

import { definePlugin } from "@vuepress/types";

interface Options {
  name: string;

export default definePlugin<Options>((options, ctx) => {
  return {
    ready() {
      return ctx.base +;

Theme Type

Similar to plugin, the only difference is the type you use, and the define function:

- * @type {import('@vuepress/types').Plugin}
+ * @type {import('@vuepress/types').Theme}
-import { definePlugin } from "@vuepress/types";
+import { defineTheme } from "@vuepress/types";

-export default definePlugin({
+export default defineTheme({
   // ...

Theme Config Type

Type of theme config also supports passing in through generic type:

import { defineTheme } from "@vuepress/types";

interface ThemeConfig {
  lang: string;

export default defineTheme<ThemeConfig>((themeConfig, ctx) => {
  return {
    ready() {
      return ctx.base + themeConfig.lang;


It is worth noting that, unlike the site configuration, i.e. .vuepress/config.js, if you use TypeScript to write theme or plugin, you still need to compile it into JavaScript before publishing it to NPM.


22 Dec 20:40
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TypeScript Support for Config File


VuePress 1.9 introduced full TypeScript Support for Config File, for VuePress 1.x, this is a late key feature:

1 9-overview


Support .vuepress/config.ts

Previously, VuePress only supported these configurations

  • .vuepress/config.js
  • .vuepress/config.yml
  • .vuepress/config.toml

From now on, .vuepress/config.ts get officially supported.

defineConfig helper for config intellisense

A helper function exposed at vuepress/config, which helps you to have type prompt:

import { defineConfig } from "vuepress/config";

export default defineConfig({
  title: "VuePress",
  description: "Vue-powered Static Site Generator"
  // ...

Type Inferences for Theme

By default, defineConfig helper leverages type of Default Theme Config as themeConfig, i.e, type hints for all Default Theme Config is available for now.

import { defineConfig } from "vuepress/config";

export default defineConfig({
  themeConfig: {
    repo: "vuejs/vuepress",
    editLinks: true,
    docsDir: "packages/docs/docs"
    // Type is `DefaultThemeConfig`

If you use a custom theme, you can use the defineConfig4CustomTheme helper with ability to pass generic type for your theme:

import { defineConfig4CustomTheme } from "vuepress/config";

interface MyThemeConfig {
  hello: string;

export default defineConfig4CustomTheme<MyThemeConfig>({
  themeConfig: {
    // Type is `MyThemeConfig`
    hello: "vuepress"

Type Inferences for Official Plugins

From now, you’ll be able to enjoy the type prompt of the official plugins:

1 9-official-plugin-tuple-usage

Options of the official plugins certainly have type prompts, Both Tuple Style, Object Style, and Plugin Shorthand support type inference:

  • Tuple Style:
import { defineConfig } from "vuepress/config";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
        serviceWorker: true

1 9-official-plugin-options

  • Object Style:
import { defineConfig } from "vuepress/config";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: {
    "@vuepress/pwa": {
      serviceWorker: true

The illustration snapshot is omitted here, you can try it yourself.

ISO Language Code

Type inference supports ISO Language Code

1 9-lang

Context API

VuePress’s configuration can also be a function, while its first parameter is the current app context:

import { defineConfig } from "vuepress/config";

export default defineConfig(ctx => ({
  // do not execute babel compilation under development
  evergreen: ctx.isProd


It is worth noting that third-party plugins do not support Plugin Shorthand if you’re using Tuple Style to write your config, this is because from the perspective of the type system, the unknown shortcut is equivalent to string, which results in the failure of type inference.

By default, only officially maintained and plugins under VuePress Community support shortcut, feel free to submit pull request to add your plugin at this file.



20 Dec 19:54
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Bug Fixes


  • plugin-last-updated: inject lastUpdatedTimestamp to $page (#1778) (2345902)


18 Feb 16:16
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Bug Fixes

  • $default-theme: sidebar groups are not opened when directly navigating to these pages (fix #2564) (#2565) (3ab9fca)
  • $markdown: support path without file extension when importing code snippets (#2677) (bb4ae4e)


11 Feb 14:18
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Bug Fixes

  • $core: component CodeGroup loads correctly on clientfix #2711 (#2794) (51277f8)
  • $theme-default: override algoliaOptions correctly (ba89f39)
  • deps: [security] bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 (aeb8dce)
  • deps: bump autoprefixer from 9.6.1 to 9.8.6 (775b3de)
  • deps: bump vue from 2.6.10 to 2.6.12 (830dd4c)


21 Jan 06:10
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Bug Fixes

  • $plugin-google-analytics: report site base (#2687) (close #2169) (6bbcc69)
  • $shared-utils: improve title inference and header extraction for markdown links syntax (d264e50)
  • $theme-default: display header-anchor links when using keyboard navigation (#2699) (81cce39)
  • Only empty the .temp directory at most once per run (fix #2254) (#2612) (970b434)



15 Oct 17:36
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Bug Fixes

  • $core: add missing styles for OutboundLink (#2662) (e2b6641)
  • $core: reference correct canonical Url frontmatter property (fix #2665) (fbf5e5d)


13 Oct 20:10
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Bug Fixes


  • $core: add canonical link to frontmatter (#2658) (ff6c51a)


25 Sep 16:28
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  • $theme-default: add code group and code block components (#2594) (394c4f6)
  • $theme-default: inform screen readers link opens in new tab/window (fix #2601) (#2603) (8d10119)