Space collector game
- Square 20 000 x 20 000 kms
- Random number of planets (between 2 and 8) and positions of planets, central symmetry so that every team "sees" the same map
- Collect your planets with your collector
- Slow speed
- Attack enemies with your five attackers
- Fast speed
- High energy attack < 5 000 kms
- choose angle
- 1 second to wait between fires of an attacker
- Explore with your explorer
- Normal speed
- Sees its planets and its spaceships
- Sees enemy spaceships around him < 5 000 kms
- When a unit is touched by a high energy attack
- Must return to its base to be repaired
- Attacker can't attack
- Explorators can't use their radar to see enemy spaceships
- Collectors can't collect planets, they loose the collected planets (left in place)
- Must return to its base to be repaired
- When a team has collected all its planets, the game stops
- When the game has run 5 minutes, the game stops
COMMAND {ship_id} {parameters}
: identifier of the spaceship- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: attackers
- 6, 7: explorers
- 8, 9: collectors
: parameters of the command{angle}
: integer, degrees, between 0 and 359, counter clockwise, 0 pointing right{speed}
: integer in kms/s
Each command returns a response, made with:
is between 0 and 65535{ship_id}
is between 1 and 9{abscissa}
are between 0 and 19 999 ((0, 0) is the bottom left corner)
MOVE {ship_id} {angle} {speed}
Changes the speed and angle of the spaceship.
Maximum speed:
- 1 000 kms/s for collectors
- 2 000 kms/s for explorers
- 3 000 kms/s for attackers
Response is OK
If a collector is less than 200 kms far from one of its planets, it collects the planet if it is not yet carrying a planet and it is not broken.
If a collector is less than 200 kms far from the base while carrying a planet, the planet is collected. 1000 points are added to player's score.
FIRE {ship_id} {angle}
Fire a high energy attack, at {angle}
angle. Length of the attack is 5 000 kms.
Any enemy spaceship less than 200 kms far from the high enery attack is now broken. Some points are added to player's score:
- 15 points for an attacker
- 20 points for an explorer
- 30 points for a collector
This command is only valid for an attacker.
Response is OK
(even if the fire rate — at most one fire per second per spaceship — is not respected, and in this case the command is ignored).
RADAR {ship_id}
Starts the radar of an explorer.
Response is a one line string. It is composed of several elements, separated by commas. The elements are:
P {planet_id} {abscissa} {ordinate} {ship_id} {saved}
: one of your planets, at a given position, theship_id
is the ID of the collector that collected the plane, or -1 if not collected,saved
is 1 when planet is at base station, otherwise 0S {team} {ship_id} {abscissa} {ordinate} {broken}
: a spaceship, team 0 is yours, team 1 to 3 are opponents, broken is 0 or 1, 1 meaning that the ship was targeted by a high energy attack (your spaceships are always present even if the explorer is broken)B {abscissa} {ordinate}
: your base station's position (always present in radar information)
If an explorer is broken, it can't see enemy spaceships. If not, it can see enemy spaceships less than 5 000 kms far from the explorer.
python3.11 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
# to play
pip install --upgrade space_collector
# to get development dependencies and improve the game
pip install --upgrade space_collector[dev]
# In an activated virtual environment
# choose a free port
# start the server
python -m -p $PORT --timeout 10 &
# start the viewer
python -m space_collector.viewer -p $PORT &
# start the viewer on small screens
python -m space_collector.viewer -p $PORT --small-window&
# start players
# using serial port
SERIAL=COM8 # on Windows
SERIAL=/dev/ttyUSB0 # on Linux
python -m space_collector.serial2tcp -p $PORT --serial $SERIAL --team-name "CHANGE ME"
# For Linux and Mac, in an activated virtual environment
python -m space_collector.killall
pre-commit install
uv build
uv publish
Voici un barème pour évaluer le projet :
Critère | Points |
Utilisation de CMSIS RTOS v2 | 1 |
Un thread par vaisseau | 1 |
Communication robuste par liaison série | 1 |
Communication entre threads | 1 |
Récupération de planete | 1 |
Déplacement avec gestion de vitesse max | 1 |
Attaque avec rayon de haute énergie | 1 |
Limitation de fréquence de tir | 1 |
Utilisation de radar | 2 |
Réparation de vaisseau | 1 |
Documentation (installation des dépendances, lancement) | 1 |
Écriture de tests | 4 |
Qualimétrie | 1 |
Automatisation avec GitHub action | 2 |
Refus de pull request / push si baisse de qualité ou tests KO | 1 |
Classement compétition | 2 |
Pre-commit en local et intégration continue | 1 |
Rapport : démarche étape par étape | 3 |
Rapport : 3 plus grandes difficultés, et solutions mises en place | 6 |
Rapport : notions apprises, retour d'expérience | 1 |