Fix replset and sharding integration tests #571
41 errors
Puppet 7 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 6.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true sets up the replset with puppet
Failure/Error: apply_manifest_on(hosts_as('master'), pp, catch_failures: true)
Host '' exited with 6 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_070505868.pp.sHhzrx
Last 10 lines of output were:
�[mNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.03 seconds
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Applying configuration version '1713337508'
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]/ensure: created
Warning: Host is available, but you are unauthorized because of authentication is enabled: true
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]: Could not evaluate: rs.initiate() failed for replicaset test
Warning: User info is available only from master host
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Dependency Mongodb_replset[test] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
�[mNotice: Applied catalog in 37.55 seconds
Puppet 7 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 6.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true inserts data on the master
Failure/Error: on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f74caf710abbfecc934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 6.0.14
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { insert: "dummyData", documents: [ { created_by_puppet: 1, _id: ObjectId('661f74caf710abbfecc934dd') } ], ordered: true, lsid: { id: UUID("16609629-3db8-4d65-98e2-3ec0f84db554") }, txnNumber: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337542, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, C7AAF23BC62A4FC73BE75590B797A7496979011D), keyId: 7358728623999680517 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 6.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the master
on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f74ca6a9b7e0543c934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 6.0.14
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("4c6f7c17-0f34-4448-8b74-b9b312c7b2a1") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337542, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, C7AAF23BC62A4FC73BE75590B797A7496979011D), keyId: 7358728623999680517 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 6.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the slave
on hosts_as('slave'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f74d5ee9fcdaeecc934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 6.0.14
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("e06f85c1-98e7-48e2-9625-77cb7b1ca599") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337552, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 72DDD557379633FB541353454168645F4A621E8D), keyId: 7358728623999680517 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 6.0
Process completed with exit code 1.
Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource sets up the replset with puppet
Failure/Error: apply_manifest_on(hosts_as('master'), pp, catch_failures: true)
Host '' exited with 6 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_070046704.pp.T8Jazx
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
�[mNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.02 seconds
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Applying configuration version '1713337249'
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]/ensure: created
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]: Could not evaluate: rs.initiate() failed for replicaset test
�[mNotice: Applied catalog in 36.77 seconds
Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource inserts data on the master
Failure/Error: on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh --verbose --eval 'db.test.insertOne({name:"test1",value:"some value"})'}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh --verbose --eval 'db.test.insertOne({name:"test1",value:"some value"})'
Last 10 lines of output were:
To help improve our products, anonymous usage data is collected and sent to MongoDB periodically (
You can opt-out by running the disableTelemetry() command.
The server generated these startup warnings when booting
2024-04-17T07:00:31.695+00:00: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never' in this binary version
MongoServerError: not primary
Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource checks the data on the master
Failure/Error: expect(r.stdout).to match %r{some value}
expected "Current Mongosh Log ID:\t661f73c6759d4717fec934dc\nConnecting to:\t\tmongodb:// is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never' in this binary version\n------\n\nnull\n" to match /some value/
@@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
-/some value/
+Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f73c6759d4717fec934dc
+Connecting to: mongodb://
+Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
+Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
+For mongosh info see:
+ The server generated these startup warnings when booting
+ 2024-04-17T07:00:31.695+00:00: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never' in this binary version
Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource checks the data on the slave
Failure/Error: expect(r.stdout).to match %r{some value}
expected "Current Mongosh Log ID:\t661f73d147ee8587eac934dc\nConnecting to:\t\tmongodb:// is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never' in this binary version\n------\n\nnull\n" to match /some value/
@@ -1,17 +1,33 @@
-/some value/
+Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f73d147ee8587eac934dc
+Connecting to: mongodb://
+Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
+Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
+For mongosh info see:
+To help improve our products, anonymous usage data is collected and sent to MongoDB periodically (
+You can opt-out by running the disableTelemetry() command.
+ The server generated these startup warnings when booting
+ 2024-04-17T07:00:15.876+00:00: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'. We suggest setting it to 'never' in this binary version
Puppet 8 - AlmaLinux 8 - MongoDB 7.0
Process completed with exit code 1.
Puppet 7 - Debian 12 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true sets up the replset with puppet
Failure/Error: apply_manifest_on(hosts_as('master'), pp, catch_failures: true)
Host '' exited with 6 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_070544328.pp.jwq2tU
Last 10 lines of output were:
�[mNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.03 seconds
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Applying configuration version '1713337548'
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]/ensure: created
Warning: Host is available, but you are unauthorized because of authentication is enabled: true
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]: Could not evaluate: rs.initiate() failed for replicaset test
Warning: User info is available only from master host
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Dependency Mongodb_replset[test] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
�[mNotice: Applied catalog in 37.50 seconds
Puppet 7 - Debian 12 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true inserts data on the master
Failure/Error: on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f74f2bac453de14c934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { insert: "dummyData", documents: [ { created_by_puppet: 1, _id: ObjectId('661f74f2bac453de14c934dd') } ], ordered: true, lsid: { id: UUID("d92b3ab4-3cfa-4c33-971d-89763278dfbc") }, txnNumber: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337581, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, BDFFF5B58470B5AA9E518EA1100898ADD3D96AD4), keyId: 7358728791503405061 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - Debian 12 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the master
on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f74f21eae6de20ac934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("56e640fd-3e26-4cce-b952-fb191494ca8e") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337581, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, BDFFF5B58470B5AA9E518EA1100898ADD3D96AD4), keyId: 7358728791503405061 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - Debian 12 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the slave
on hosts_as('slave'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f74fd136f4f710ac934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("03eee271-7e12-4108-8b5a-ed65b9dc2b83") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337591, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 39887017585A5386668DF23A734FA6927E920B55), keyId: 7358728791503405061 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - Debian 12 - MongoDB 7.0
Process completed with exit code 1.
Puppet 7 - Debian 11 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true sets up the replset with puppet
Failure/Error: apply_manifest_on(hosts_as('master'), pp, catch_failures: true)
Host '' exited with 6 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_070614828.pp.HrPylg
Last 10 lines of output were:
�[mNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.03 seconds
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Applying configuration version '1713337578'
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]/ensure: created
Warning: Host is available, but you are unauthorized because of authentication is enabled: true
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]: Could not evaluate: rs.initiate() failed for replicaset test
Warning: User info is available only from master host
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Dependency Mongodb_replset[test] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
�[mNotice: Applied catalog in 37.48 seconds
Puppet 7 - Debian 11 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true inserts data on the master
Failure/Error: on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f7510b0e4f42de6c934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { insert: "dummyData", documents: [ { created_by_puppet: 1, _id: ObjectId('661f7510b0e4f42de6c934dd') } ], ordered: true, lsid: { id: UUID("fd620c49-cb34-4d65-9050-ff0701ea445c") }, txnNumber: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337611, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 5030C145DDAD2859FA9BCE65EE6C50384237E3CF), keyId: 7358728920352423942 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - Debian 11 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the master
on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f751085de9066f3c934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("7ff29761-6932-429a-9b69-70415b4580ca") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337611, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 5030C145DDAD2859FA9BCE65EE6C50384237E3CF), keyId: 7358728920352423942 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - Debian 11 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the slave
on hosts_as('slave'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f751baab1e20d0cc934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("673aaaf8-a249-4c71-916f-28aede0b3cd7") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337621, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 9A778483E1A8BE5B7F545FA429BEAA41899EF515), keyId: 7358728920352423942 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 7 - Debian 11 - MongoDB 7.0
Process completed with exit code 1.
Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true sets up the replset with puppet
Failure/Error: apply_manifest_on(hosts_as('master'), pp, catch_failures: true)
Host '' exited with 6 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_070926078.pp.Bwz4WV
Last 10 lines of output were:
�[mNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.03 seconds
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Applying configuration version '1713337771'
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]/ensure: created
Warning: Host is available, but you are unauthorized because of authentication is enabled: true
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_replset[test]: Could not evaluate: rs.initiate() failed for replicaset test
Warning: User info is available only from master host
�[mNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Dependency Mongodb_replset[test] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Main/Mongodb_user[User admin on db admin]: Skipping because of failed dependencies
�[mNotice: Applied catalog in 37.49 seconds
Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true inserts data on the master
Failure/Error: on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.dummyData.insertOne({"created_by_puppet": 1})'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f75d195b8460d6dc934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { insert: "dummyData", documents: [ { created_by_puppet: 1, _id: ObjectId('661f75d195b8460d6dc934dd') } ], ordered: true, lsid: { id: UUID("6e860ed6-469f-4ad3-8ed9-9e8f62b5c3d3") }, txnNumber: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337804, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 07757CA0F7B695A13D123C37BFD1085E9223340C), keyId: 7358729749281112069 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the master
on hosts_as('master'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f75d153840930e7c934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("2ed226cb-03e4-4586-b910-daeecfae6a44") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337804, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 07757CA0F7B695A13D123C37BFD1085E9223340C), keyId: 7358729749281112069 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04 - MongoDB 7.0:
mongodb_replset resource with auth => true checks the data on the slave
on hosts_as('slave'), %{mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'} do |r|
expect(r.stdout).to match %r{created_by_puppet}
Host '' exited with 1 running:
mongosh test --verbose --eval 'load("/root/.mongoshrc.js");db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred");EJSON.stringify(db.dummyData.findOne())'
Last 10 lines of output were:
Current Mongosh Log ID: 661f75dc54e76a7713c934dc
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 7.0.8
Using Mongosh: 2.2.4
For mongosh info see:
MongoServerError: not authorized on test to execute command { find: "dummyData", filter: {}, limit: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("28048d43-02e3-42b6-93a4-40d3ab6cc09d") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1713337814, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 06F746F422905F50EBC27CE87FAB48CF480191A7), keyId: 7358729749281112069 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" }, $db: "test" }
Puppet 8 - Ubuntu 20.04 - MongoDB 7.0
Process completed with exit code 1.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 6.0
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 6.0
The operation was canceled.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 6.0
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 6.0
The operation was canceled.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 7.0
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 7.0
The operation was canceled.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 4.4
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 4.4
The operation was canceled.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 5.0
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 8 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 5.0
The operation was canceled.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 7.0
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 7.0
The operation was canceled.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 5.0
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 5.0
The operation was canceled.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 4.4
The run was canceled by @h-haaks.
Puppet 7 - CentOS 7 - MongoDB 4.4
The operation was canceled.