This program should be executed in Windows using DosBox environment
- Compile main.asm using NASM as we did on the labs:
nasm main
- Link .o files using freelink:
freelink main
- Run the game:
It starts in a black screen. This screen wait for an input from your keyboard. Whatever the input, the screen remains black unless you type "s" or "c".
- "s" is for close the game
- "c" is for start the game
When the game starts, you'll see a screen like this:
- X
- C
The character C represents the circle.
- symbol (X/C)
- line (1, 2 or 3)
- column (1, 2 or 3)
and the move happens when you type the ENTER key
For example: X11 generates the move below:
- You can't move over a held position or play with the same symbol twice. If you do this, a message will appear on the screen and your move won't be processed.
- There's a case which it gets a buffer overflow. In this case, a message will appear on the screen and your input won't be processed. You can delete all the characters and type again, or delete one character and type ENTER to print the wrong command and reset the buffer.
When the game ends, a message will appear on the screen showing the winner if is the case. Wait a time and a message "press any key to close" will appear and you exit the game.
Each playe move and all the positions that have already been played are represented as 2 bytes, where the least significant 9 bytes represent the positions on the board.
If the bit on the position is set to 1, that means that position has been played by one of the players. The same idea applies for each player move.
We represent the player moves as well as the board positions as follows:
board/moves: 0000000x.xxxxxxxx
So, we can figure out if a player has won the match or if the board if full by means of some masks. Let's define them:
If the board is full, that means all the 9 least significant bytes are 1, meaning all positions have been taken, so let's define a mask for that:
board full mask: 00000001.11111111 => 0x01ff
won 012 mask: 00000000.00000111 => 0x0007
won 345 mask: 00000000.00111000 => 0x0038
won 678 mask: 00000001.11000000 => 0x01C0
won 048 mask: 00000001.00010001 => 0x0111
won 642 mask: 00000000.01010100 => 0x0054
won 630 mask: 00000000.01001001 => 0x0049
won 741 mask: 00000000.10010010 => 0x0092
won 852 mask: 00000001.00100100 => 0x0124