A Nextflow pipeline to perform quality control of sequencing data.
Path to the folder where the FASTQ files are located.
--input /cluster/work/nme/data/josousa/project/fastq/*fastq.gz
Output directory where the files will be saved.
--outdir /cluster/work/nme/data/josousa/project
Option to force the pipeline to assign input as single-end.
By default, the pipeline detects whether the input files are single-end or paired-end.
Option to provide a custom FastQ Screen config file.
# Default --fastq_screen_conf '/cluster/work/nme/software/config/fastq_screen.conf'
Option to pass the flag --bisulfite to FastQ Screen.
Option to choose the sequencing method. This will adapt the default parameters to the method.
# PBAT --seq_method 'PBAT' # RRBS --seq_method 'RRBS' # Single-cell --seq_method 'Single-cell'
The default parameters for each sequencing method.
# PBAT fastq_screen_args='--bisulfite' trim_galore_args='--clip_R1 9 --clip_R2 9' # RRBS fastq_screen_args='--bisulfite' trim_galore_args='--rrbs' # Single-cell trim_galore_args='--clip_R1 6 --clip_R2 6'
Option to skip FastQ Screen.
Option to skip Trim Galore.
Option to add extra arguments to FastQC.
Option to add extra arguments to FastQ Screen.
Option to add extra arguments to Trim Galore.
Option to add extra arguments to MultiQC.
This pipeline was adapted from the Nextflow pipelines created by the Babraham Institute Bioinformatics Group and from the nf-core pipelines. We thank all the contributors for both projects. We also thank the Nextflow community and the nf-core community for all the help and support.