#Introduction Gyst stands for 'get your shit together' and is a social productivity tool that ensures that people you know have an ability to express their care by simply reminding.
#Poject Goals
- Create a tool that would allow users to stay more connected and easily express care.
- Increase user's productivity and general awareness about people around.
- Analyze the ways to make a user more organized and productive.
#How? Here is how it works: Add a person to a 'circle' you created and by creating tasks in that circle you allow that person to see your tasks. People who have access to the tasks' circle will get an ability to remind you once task is due in 30 min.
#Why? Average day consists of 6 to 8 tasks. Everyone needs to take care of business, however some things get forgotten. Let's imagine that you need to go to court in the morning and take all of the nessasary documents with you. When your task is 30min due, gyst will send you reminders (email + sms) so you wouldn't forget anything. People you approved based on your daily tasks would know what your day is like, what you are doing in the evening and even what your mood is like - it's not great, because who the hell enjoyes going to court in the morning?!
Built in 2 weeks with: Ruby/Sinatra, js, haml, sass