Heavenhr back-end java application assignment
Backend application which that handles a recruiting process, below are the core tech-stack used to implement
Java programming language JDK1.8 Spring-boot, Spring framework h2 in memory database Gradle IDE inteliJ Swagger
The project is implemented using IDE InteliJ & used basic auth in memory. Use below credentials while accessing services. User:- heavenhr Password:- password
I have used the h2 database(http://localhost:8082/h2-console) that runs in memory to store the data. Post importing application into workspace you have to use below gradle command to start the application "clean build test assemble bootRun"
Above command will also create the application.jar executable jar file, you can execute only that also using command "java -jar <path_to_jar>/application.jar"
It will take some time to start the application post that you can access the services as below.
Swagger URL http://<your_machine_ip>:8082/swagger-ui.html or http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui.html to test the services.