Hello, fellow GitHub wanderer!
These are my dotfiles, some of them having survived and mutated through years spent editing stuff from the command-line ;-)
- alacritty terminal emulator
- fish shell
- git distributed SCM
- i3 tiling window manager
- mpd Music Player Daemon and ncmpc ncurses client
- neovim text editor
- nord and solarized color themes
- tmux terminal multiplexer
- vscodium text editor
- zathura document viewer
- some extra stuff
Additional resources:
- awesomewm tiling window manager
- cmder, the ConEmu-based Windows terminal emulator
- emacs text editor (and many other things)
- mcabber XMPP client
- moc player
- rxvt-unicode terminal emulator
- termite terminal emulator
These dotfiles are licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license.