Hi, this is my own bot. Its a rewrite from my closed-source Discord.js bot under the same name
The folder system is kinda react-y, sorry for that 😔
- Global
- Static assets:
- Enviroment:
- LME client:
- Logo:
(linked fromglobal/assets/logo.png
- Static assets:
- Source folder
- Commands:
- Hooks:
- Types:
- Commands:
- Option folder:
- Bot:
(to add command and hooks directly to the bot)
- Bot:
- Root folder
- Bot loader (including commands,
, and more):botloader.go
- Main entry file:
- Bot loader (including commands,
to your Environment, and set it to your Discord Bot Token (https://discord.com/developers)
go mod download
i recommend you to learn each commands that are used in this package, since i will progressively adding more commands to it. like "how do they act?", "how they use the deps", "how do they take the args?", and more
just do
go run .
but its non-blocking tho, beware
or just exit via ctrl+c
First, you need to make a new file inside src/command
and name it (e.g. hi.go
). After that, write it like this
package command
// import the root source folder
import (
// this is your command
var Hi = src.Command{
// just an alias for discordgo.ApplicationCommand
Info: src.CmdInfo{
Name: "hi",
Description: "Make the bot says hi!",
// if you want to throw error, i recommend you to just returning it
// it will automatically converted to string,
// and send them back to discord
Fn: func(opt src.CmdResFnArgs) error {
// this is the result
return opt.Result(&src.CmdResData{
//here we say hi
Content: "Hi!",
After that, go to opt
and find bot.go
Edit the file and add one of your command to Commands
var Commands = []src.Command{
command.Hello, command.Gary, command.Whois, command.Hi, //your command here
Mostly you can understand it by (again and again) inspecting the code. If you are a new to Go, you can click this link from the official Go website, to get started
Copyright @ 2024 vintheweirdass. Licensed under CC-BY 4.0 ONLY for logo, and the entire project (including the file source code, and other than logo) are licensed under MIT