A script for getting your team PRs metrics.
The run command takes the following arguments:
: The reference for the metric you'd like to calculate. If no metric is provided, it will calculate all metrics available.
: The metric start date. Date in format YYYY-mm-dd
: The metric cutoff date. Date in format YYYY-mm-dd
: Will exclude all PRs created by the listed authors. This argument must list usernames separated by a comma. Example: --exclude_authors=pantoja,github_username,other_username
: Will take into consideration only the PRs created by the authors in this list. This argument must list usernames separated by a comma. Example: --exclude_authors=pantoja,github_username,other_username
: Will include all hotfixes in the metric calculation. By default, this value is false.
: Will exclude weekend time from time metrics (time to merge, time to open, time to review).
github_metrics --start-date=2021-03-22 --end-date=2021-03-24
github_metrics --metric=ttm --start-date=2021-03-22 --end-date=2021-03-24
github_metrics --metric=ttr --start-date=2020-11-10 --end-date=2020-11-18
github_metrics --metric=tto --start-date=2020-11-10 --end-date=2020-11-18
github_metrics --metric=otm --start-date=2020-11-10 --end-date=2020-11-18
github_metrics --metric=mr --start-date=2021-03-22 --end-date=2021-03-24
github_metrics --metric=pr_size --start-date=2020-11-10 --end-date=2020-11-18
github_metrics --metric=prs_count --start-date=2020-11-10 --end-date=2020-11-18
github_metrics --metric=hotfixes_count --start-date=2020-11-10 --end-date=2020-11-18
Time To Merge (ttm): The Time to Merge metric calculates time between the first commit of a given branch, and the merge action of it's pull request.
Time To Review (ttr): It calculates the time a PR waited for, or has been waiting for the first review since the PR opened.
Time To Open (tto): The time elapsed between a user's first commit to a branch and opening a pull request for that branch.
Open To Merge Time (otm): Returns statistics related to the time between opening and merging a pull request.
Merge Rate (mr): It measures the total number of merged pull requests to the total number of developers active in this time period (number of merged PRS / dev). A value closer to 1 indicates that each developer is merging a PR. a higher number indicates more merged PRs than devs, and vice versa.
Pull Request Size (pr_size): It generates metrics related to the number of lines added and deleted in a PR. The output will generate metrics related to the sum of different lines in a pr (lines added + lines deleted), and the addition rate metric (lines added / lines deleted). In the latter case, a higher the rate number means more lines are being added than deleted.
Pull Request Count (prs_count): It generates metrics related to the number of PRs opened during the period.
Hotfixes Count (hotfixes_count): The number of hotfixes in the period.
- Install using
pip install github-metrics
- Setup settings variable by running
github_metrics --setup
. You'll be asked to give following information:
Github username
: Your github account login
Enter a github token
: An access token generated with your github account. More information accessible through this guide. The lib requires full repo access for it to work
Name of the organization
: The name of the organization where the repository is located
Repository name
: The repository name of the project of your choice
NOTE: Running the --setup
flag will overwrite the existing environment settings.
- Create a virtual enviroment
virtualenv venv
- Install dependencies with
pip install --editable .
- Run the command with
docker-compose run app {}
. e.g.docker-compose run app github_metrics --metric=ttm --start-date=2021-03-22 --end-date=2021-03-24
- Create a .env file by copying from .env.example with
cp .env.example .env
- Fill settings variables:
: The name of the repository
: The name of the organization
: Your github account username
: The access token generated with your github account.
For maintainers only:
rm -rf build dist
to delete current build archives -
Install dependencies with
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
. Make sure you are inside a virtual environment -
bump2version <minor|major|patch>
to update the version number (pick one of the options)- Version number on
will be updated automatically - You can specify the
flag in case you wish to manually set the newest version (if not provided, it will be done automatically based on the chosen option)
- Version number on
Build the artifacts with
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel --universal
Upload the new version with
twine upload dist/*