The "Unicoin" was created as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum block chain. This was originally released as a private "crowdsale" for a hackathon demo.
The simplest way to get an Ethereum wallet is:
Be sure to use a secure password, then save your Keystore and Private key in a safe place. You may then unlock your wallet using the private key at which will then show your public wallet address, share that in the comments.
In order to view the coins in your wallet, you will need to "watch" the contract, via the contract address below. You can watch contracts in myetherwallet from the sidebar link, just enter the Contract Address below
The contract source code is available here, and will also be published to the blockchain:
It was based on the open source contract library Open Zeppelin
You can view, modify, experiment with the contract by opening it up in Remix (
Direct link here:
You may also want the MetaMask plugin in order to experiment on a testnet blockchain