These scripts are utilized by AWS Lambda to manage resources in AWS. All resources are autotagged with necessary information including the Owner_ID and an expiration date. Users are notified of expiring resources through their email and username associated with the Owner_ID found through LDAP authentication. Expired resources are terminated if no further action is taken.
- Autotags resources in AWS
- Sends notifications through slack and email if expiring soon
- Terminates and clears out any expired resources
Within the subdirectories auto-tag and cleanup are instructions on how to setup the resource manager in AWS Lambda. NOTE: Each lambda function has environment variables that need to be defined.
Amazon Web Services
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- Windows Server 2012
- EC2 Instances
- EC2 Images (AMI)
- AWS Autoscalers
Software needed:
- AWS Lambda
- Python 2/3
- Python
- Snitch (Internal logging software)
We use Bitbucket for versioning
- Vinh Nguyen