A logistics company has asked us to manage the transport of used vehicles. For this you need to know
- Booking Number (unique)
- Loading port
- Discharge port
- Ship arrival date
- Ship departure date
- VIN (Vehicle Identification Number: unique)
- Make
- Model
- Weight
It is intended that an exercise be done to make a CRUD of Bookings that will transport those vehicles (with the possibility of associating / disassociating them).
- Create a django app that can make a CRUD of bookings and is able to associate / disassociate used vehicles. You can give all the assumptions you want.
- Make basic API REST with Django Rest Framework
- Make a Command to delete all vehicles with a booking ship arrival date older than 6 months. If you prefer you can make an endpoint instead of a Command.
- Include a SOLUTION.md file describing the app, decisions and technical considerations that you have taken as well as any type of improvements that could be applied.
- Make this app reusable
- Make export results to XLS / PDF or import XLS files
- Make tests (backend / frontend)
- Make the frontend attractive
This test can take some hours to make it but, as we know that sometimes it is hard to find the time to do it, you'll have up to a week of time to make it. Even so, don't worry if you run out of time. In the technical meeting we can discuss it.
You can clone this repo and work with it locally:
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/vilamatica/ultramar-test.git
# Create a virtualenv
python3.12 -m venv ven
. venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run migrations for database creation
python manage.py migrate
# Create a superuser
python manage.py createsuperuser
# Start the server
python manage.py runserver
Open the browser and go to http://localhost:8000/