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Thang Chung edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the coolstore-microservices wiki!

Blazor =>

Azure Container Apps


AWS App Runner


You cannot scale it to zero, you need to have at least 1 instance, but you can stop it anytime to save cost. And only Node and Python are supported in Build mode

Google Cloud Run

Cloud Run suits best for 1 process (a.k.a. container) per instance, so if you need to run a sidecar container better go with GKE Autopilot. In addition, Cloud Run doesn't support messaging/eventing, so if your application needs to consume any Kafka topic or any kind of message-driven component, better go with GKE Autopilot. Now, about GKE Autopilot, if you need a scale-to-zero container you'd better go with a self-managed GKE cluster, because GKE Autopilot doesn't have support to Knative yet, not to mention Istio service mesh, etc.