- error when do checkout, double-check for saleapp (we might add Azure Service Bus for pubsub)
- scale rule with http concurrency (10)
- Traffic spliting (modify web to add rating and split traffic 50/50)
POST: get-inventories-by-ids (calls from
)- Request: InventoryByIdsRequest, GetAvailabilityInventoriesQuery
- Response: IEnumerable
POST: get-inventory-by-id (calls from
)- Request: InventoryRequest, GetInventoryQuery
- Response: InventoryDto
GET: api/product-search/{query}/{price}/{page}/{pageSize}
- Request: SearchProductsQuery
- Response: SearchProductsResponse
GET: api/products/{page}/{price}
- Request: GetProductsByPriceAndNameQuery
- Response: IEnumerable
GET: api/products/{id}
- Request: GetDetailOfSpecificProductQuery
- Response: FlatProductDto
POST: get-products-by-ids (not found)
- Request: ProductByIdsRequest, GetProductsByIdsQuery
- Response: IEnumerable
POST: get-product-by-id (calls from
)- Request: ProductByIdRequest, GetProductsByIdsQuery
- Response: ProductDto
- GET: api/carts
- Request: GetCartByUserIdQuery
- Response: CartDto
- POST: api/carts
- Request: CreateShoppingCartWithProductCommand
- Response: CartDto
- PUT: api/carts
- Request: UpdateAmountOfProductInShoppingCartCommand
- Response: CartDto
- PUT: api/carts/checkout
- Request: CheckOutCommand
- Response: CartDto
GET: api/orders
- Request: GetOrderListByUserQuery
- Response: IEnumerable
POST: api/update-order-status
- Request: OrderWithStatusRequest, UpdateOrderStatusQuery (TODO: Command)
- bool
- POST: processing-order (subscribe event from
)- Request: ShoppingCartCheckedOut (event), CreateOrderQuery (TODO: Command)
- POST: cron-process-order
- Request: ProcessOrderQuery (TODO: Command)
- POST: cron-complete-order
- Request: CompleteOrderQuery (TODO: Command)
- Because dev cert isn't working in docker-compose env, so we need to generate the cert just like https://github.com/thangchung/Sample-Docker-Https, and maps it into docker-compose volume
You need to copy the cert at src/dotnet/certs/localhost.pfx
into ~/.aspnet/https
so that you can map the cert in local path into docker path when run docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d
See more about this issue at https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/visualstudio-docs/issues/5733
> dotnet dev-certs https -ep aspnetapp.pfx -p P@ssw0rd # then save it to %USERPROFILE%\.aspnet\https
> dotnet dev-certs https --trust
> tye run
> $rgName="coolstore-rg"
> $location="eastus"
> az group create -n $rgName -l $location
> az deployment group create `
--resource-group $rgName `
--template-file main.bicep `
--parameters postgresDbPassword='<postgres password>'
> az containerapp update `
--name webapigatewayapp `
--resource-group $rgName `
--set-env-vars 'OpenIdConnect__Authority=https://<identityapp url>' 'ReverseProxy__Clusters__appCluster__Destinations__destination1__Address=https://<webapp url>'
> az group delete -n $rgName