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Setup Calibration

veroxzik edited this page May 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

The contents of this page is only applicable to the firmware found in this repo! I do not guarantee compatibility with other forks.

This page assumes your controller is already assembled, wired, and you have correctly installed Teensyduino per the README. Please do so now!

Verify and Calibrate the Air Sensors

The easiest way to verify the air sensors is to use the OpeNITHM-AirSensor-Test.ino file. Locate it in the main repo and download a copy.

At the time of writing (2020-05-25), this only works v1.0 of the OpeNITHM board. This will be corrected soon.

Upload the code following the instructions in the README.

Confirming the IR LEDs

On one side of the touchpad (it could be left or right depending on which direction your leds are wired), you will see six LEDs lit in red and green. The green LED will scroll one at a time, cycling through all six. This corresponds to the IR LED that is enabled currently. Use a phone camera (or other camera without an IR filter) to examine the IR leds on the left side of the controller. They should be lighting up one at a time, from bottom top top, in a purple-ish color.

If they do not light up, or they light up in the wrong order, you will need to verify your wiring.

Once you've confirmed they work, move onto the next section.

Confirming the IR Receivers

On the other side of the touchpad, six more LEDs will be lit in blue and yellow. These correspond to the IR sensors that are currently "active". In general, the blue LED should match the same position as the green LED on the IR LED side. In reality, there is light bleed, so you may see multiple blue lights. This is not as problem as long as there is a blue LED that corresponds to the green LED.

When you block a receiver, the corresponding the blue light should go to yellow.

Help! I have this problem:

  1. None of the receivers change color despite the IR LEDs being on.

    Your receivers may not be sensitive enough. If you're using the v1.0 board, change the resistors to a higher value. If you're using the v1.1 board, lower your threshold.

  2. When I raise my hand between the sensors, the corresponding light does not change color.

    Your receivers may be too sensitive! If you're using the v1.0 board, change the resistors to a lower value. If you're using the v1.1 board, raise your threshold.