My name is Denis Vasilev - Junior Developer and Graphic Designer!
I live in Sofia, Bulgaria currently studying and working at Software University as of 2022.
- 📗 About Me
1.1 🖋️ Education
1.2 🕹️ Free Time - 💻 @ SoftUni
2.1 👷 Work
2.2 📑 Certificates
2.3 🎓 SoftUni Repositories - 💻 Projects
3.1 🥇 Proudest Projects - Other
- 🔧 Tools
5.1 Operating System
5.2 Programming
5.3 Graphic Design
5.4 IDEs - 📱 Socials
- 📈 Github Stats
- 🏆 Github Trophies
Type | Status | Points of Intrest |
Elementary | Finished - 7 Years | None |
Middle | Finished - 5 Years | Grade 9 - 2018: I started studying graphic design with photoshop Grade 10 - 2019: I continued my graphic design path with illustrator Grade 11 - 2020: I deepened my graphic design skills with the addition of inDesign / Started programming with C# Grade 12 - 2021: L I T E R A T U R E |
High | In Progress | TBA |
In my free time I usually play video games, solve cube puzzles, hang out with people, practice my programming and even sometimes read books that catch my attention.
- Currently working as a Curriculum Specialist @ Softuni Svetlina
- Work Experience:
- Curriculum Specialist @ Softuni Svetlina
- April 2022 / Ongoing
- Curriculum Specialist @ Softuni Svetlina
- Software University - C# Full-Stack Developer Diploma - August 2023
- Software University - C# Web Developer Diploma - April 2023
- Software University - JavaScript Web Developer Diploma - August 2023
- Software University - C# Basics - July 2021
- Software University - C# Fundamentals - September 2021
- Software University - C# Algorithms Fundamentals - December 2021
- Software University - C# Advanced - January 2022
- Software University - C# Data Structures Fundamentals - February 2022
- Software University - C# OOP - February 2022
- Software University - MS SQL - May 2022
- Software University - EF Core - June 2022
- Software University - ASP.NET Fundamentals - September 2022
- Software University - HTML & CSS - September 2022
- Software University - ASP.NET Advanced - October 2022
- Software University - JavaScript Advanced - January 2023
- Software University - JavaScript Applications - February 2023
- Software University - Containers & Cloud - May 2023
- Udemy - Beginning C++ Programming - From Beginner to Beyond - April 2023
- Software University - JavaScript Backend - May 2023
- Software University - Angular - June 2023
- Software University - Software Engineering & DevOps - June 2023
- SoftUni
- C# Basics
- C# Fundamentals
- C# Advanced
- C# OOP
- C# Data Structures Fundamentals
- C# Data Structures Advanced
- C# Algorithm Fundamentals
- C# Algorithm Advanced
- EF Core
- ASP.NET Fundamentals
- ASP.NET Advanced
- JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Fundamentals
- JavaScript Advanced
- JavaScript Applications
- JavaScript Backend
- Angular
- WPF Essentials
Some of my projects (finished or unfinished) are already on my github, so feel free to take a look! I have worked mainly on small projects for fun and / or for practicing my skills.
LegoView - A website for creating reviews on your own managed lego collection built with Angular / Express
Easy Rank - A website for creating your own 'Top 10' style pages using ASP.NET Core MVC
WPF Chess Engine - Chess engine from scratch in the c# programming language using WPF / XAML
Tetris in a Console App - Tetris recreated in the console using C#
Click 'n Fight: The Fantasy Clicker RPG - RPG Clicker game made in C#
Pizza Clicker - Cookie Clicker clone in JavaScript
JChess - Chess engine from scratch in the java programming language
JavaScript Solitaire - The popular solitaire game in the browser
During my middle school learning program I have studied different technologies whether they're coding / markup languages, frameworks / libraries mainly in my own free time.
Coding Languages | Markup Languages | Framewoks / Libraries |
C# | HTML | Bootstrap |
JavaScript | CSS | jQuery |
Java | Discord.js |
These technologies have mainly been used to:
- Introduction to programming (C#)
- Create simple pages for school projects (HTML / CSS / Bootstrap / jQuery / JavaScript)
- Write minecraft mods (Java)
- Write discord bots for my friends / personal use (JavaScript / Discord.js)
Github (You are already here :>)
Stack Overflow
Discord (Private but you could direct message me about it if you want it that much)
Playstation Network