During the summer 2019 Google Summer of Code, I worked with another GSoC participant P.Bhavasar to implement standard machine learning algorithms in swift for S4TF.
I implemented the following algorithms:
- Decision Tree
- AdaBoost Classifier
- Gradient Boost Regressor
- Random Forest
- XGBoost
(wrapper for the XGBoost library in Python)
- Support Vector Machine
(wrapper for libSVM library in C)
This is the link to my personal repo where I host all the work I have done:
I started by working on the base decision tree algorithm; I used various academic books to further my understanding of decision trees and then implemented them to support growing trees with both info gain and gini impurity; Then, I implemented AdaBoost for Classification and Gradient Boost for Regression. Then, I moved on to implement Random Forest for both classification and regression problems.
I started implementing SVM from scratch however found that the mathematics and the implementation very complicated; I was adviced to connect external libraries taking advantage of Swift language interoperability. That is exactly what I did to implement SVM through wrapping libSVM in swift. I had to edit a bit of the C code to make the connection work but 99% of the C code is as original.
Lastly, I wrapped XGBoost library in swift to be used in S4TF.
I was documenting the code as I went along, however, I still had to go through and make sure the documentation was perfect in the end. I also made sure to follow the Google Swift Style guide.
I also made example end-to-end notebook for each of my algorithm implementations. They show you exactly how to use the library.
- the XGBoost library is very extensive; Currently, the wrapper is very basic and only support a small part of the wide functionality offered by the python library. I hope to continue working on expanding this functionality.
- Merging SVM and XGBoost into the SwiftML master on param087's master branch was halted by Travis CI due to an unknown error; The algorithms themselves are working and have tested. This is probably a very niche issue and we will get it sorted out ASAP
I learned a lot and grew as a student and programmer through this experience. I am looking forward to continue maintaining and growing this library.