Compute the optimal number of bands essential for dimensionaity reduction
- The work done in this research is published as Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science(CCIS), Springer, Book Series Volume 1035
- Title of the paper - Optimal Selection of Bands for Hyperspectral Images using Spectral Clustering - Vanshika Gupta (1), Sharad Kumar Gupta (2), Dericks P. Shukla (3)
- Link - or Researchgate
- The work was carried out at IIT Mandi, under the guidance of Mr. Sharad Kumar Gupta @Sharadgupta27 and Dr. Dericks P. Shukla, during the IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship (Indian Academy of Sciences- Indian National Science Academy- National Academy of Science India) funded internship program.
- The repository is currently maintained by @vansjyo
- In case of queries, feel free to contact me through my email ID
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- Clone/Download_Zip the repository
- Open MATLAB and connect to the folder Similarity_Matrices
- Modify the code for your input hyperspectral image
- Run any of the codes in the folder for computing the similarity/Adjacency matrix.
- Now connect to the folder Main
- Modify the inputs accordingly and run