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Cardano HW cli tool

Cardano HW CLI tool for signing transaction

The command-line interface is based on the official Cardano-CLI tool.




For running commands with ledger, you might need to use sudo

Generate public verification key and hardware wallet signing file

cardano-hw-cli address key-gen
--path PATH                     Derivation path to the key we want to sign with.
--verification-key-file FILE    Output filepath of the verification key.
--hw-signing-file FILE          Output filepath of the hardware wallet signing file.
--derivation-type TYPE          Derivation type - currently applies only to Trezor. Options: LEDGER, ICARUS or ICARUS_TREZOR (default).

Arguments can be specified multiple times for bulk export.

Generate public verification key

cardano-hw-cli key verification-key
--hw-signing-file FILE          Input filepath of the hardware wallet signing file.
--verification-key-file FILE    Output filepath of the verification key.

Witness transaction

cardano-hw-cli transaction witness
--tx-file FILE                         Input filepath of the tx. Use --cddl-format when building transactions with cardano-cli.
--hw-signing-file FILE                 Input filepath of the hardware wallet signing file (one or more files can be specified).
--change-output-key-file FILE          Input filepath of the hardware wallet signing file (so hw cli can match the keys of the change address, if present, and let the device hide it).
--mainnet | --testnet-magic NATURAL    Use the mainnet magic id or specify testnet magic id.
--out-file FILE                        Output filepath of the witness (one or more witness files can be specified).
--derivation-type TYPE                 Derivation type - currently applies only to Trezor. Options: LEDGER, ICARUS or ICARUS_TREZOR (default).

Validate transaction

Verifies whether the tx file complies with restrictions imposed by hardware wallets.

cardano-hw-cli transaction validate
--tx-file FILE                         Input filepath of the tx. Use --cddl-format when building transactions with cardano-cli.

Exit code meaning:

  • 0 transaction complies with all restrictions
  • 1 an error occurred (e.g. the transaction could not be parsed)
  • 2 transaction contains validation errors that cannot be fixed automatically (e.g. too many tx inputs)
  • 3 transaction contains validation errors that can be fixed by running transaction transform (e.g. non-canonical CBOR)

Transform transaction

Tries to non-destructively transform the tx file, so that it complies with restrictions imposed by hardware wallets.

cardano-hw-cli transaction transform
--tx-file FILE                         Input filepath of the tx. Use --cddl-format when building transactions with cardano-cli.
--out-file FILE                        Output filepath of the tx.

Show address on device

cardano-hw-cli address show
--payment-path PAYMENTPATH    Payment derivation path.
--staking-path STAKINGPATH    Stake derivation path.
--address-file ADDRESS        Input filepath of the address.
--derivation-type TYPE        Derivation type - currently applies only to Trezor. Options: LEDGER, ICARUS or ICARUS_TREZOR (default).

Issue operational certificate

cardano-hw-cli node issue-op-cert
--kes-verification-key-file FILE                     Input filepath of the file with KES vkey.
--operational-certificate-issue-counter-file FILE    Input filepath of the file with certificate counter.
--kes-period UINT64                                  Kes period for the certificate.
--out-file FILE                                      Output filepath for node certificate.
--hw-signing-file FILE                               Input filepath of the hardware wallet signing file.

CIP36 registration

cardano-hw-cli vote registration-metadata
--mainnet | --testnet-magic NATURAL    Use the mainnet magic id or specify testnet magic id.
--vote-public-key-jcli FILE            Input filepath to vote public key in ed25519extended format (one or more keys can be provided).
--vote-public-key-string BECH32STRING  Bech32-encoded vote public key (one or more keys can be provided).
--vote-public-key-hwsfile FILE         Input filepath to vote public key in hw-signing-file format (one or more keys can be provided).
--vote-public-key-file FILE            Input filepath to vote public key in cardano-cli file format (one or more keys can be provided).
--vote-weight WEIGHT                   Voting power weight assigned to vote public key.
--stake-signing-key FILE               Input filepath of the hardware wallet stake signing file, which will be used to to sign the registration.
--payment-address PAYMENTADDRESS       Address which will receive voting rewards.
--nonce NONCE                          Current slot number.
--voting-purpose VOTINGPURPOSE         Voting purpose (optional)
--payment-address-signing-key FILE     Input filepath of the payment address signing files.
--metadata-cbor-out-file FILE          Output filepath of metadata cbor.
--derivation-type TYPE                 Derivation type - currently applies only to Trezor. Options: LEDGER, ICARUS or ICARUS_TREZOR (default).

see registration example

Message signing

--message MESSAGE_ASCII | --message-hex MESSAGE_HEX   Message to sign.
--signing-path-hwsfile FILE                           Input filepath of the hardware wallet signing file describing the key to be used to sign the message.
--hashed                                              If present, the message will be hashed; otherwise it will not be hashed.
--prefer-hex                                          If present, the message will be shown in hex even if it is valid ASCII.
--address ADDRESS                                     Address for the COSE header (if not given, signing key hash is used).
--address-hwsfile FILE                                Input filepath of an address hardware wallet signing file.
--out-file FILE                                       Output filepath.
--derivation-type TYPE                                Derivation type - currently applies only to Trezor. Options: LEDGER, ICARUS or ICARUS_TREZOR (default).

see message signing example

Policy id generation

cardano-hw-cli transaction policyid
--script-file             Path to a native script file
--hw-signing-file         Input filepath of the hardware wallet signing file
--derivation-type TYPE    Derivation type - currently applies only to Trezor. Options: LEDGER, ICARUS or ICARUS_TREZOR (default).

see Policy id

Check app version

cardano-hw-cli version

Check device version

cardano-hw-cli device version


Running from source

Install node version v14.17.6

nvm i v14.17.6

Install yarn:

npm install -g yarn

Install dependencies:

yarn install

Run unit test

yarn test-unit

Run application with

yarn dev ...

Building from source

Install node version v18.7.0

nvm i v18.7.0

Install yarn:

npm install -g yarn

To build all artifacts for each OS run:

yarn build

To target specific artifact, run one of following commands:

yarn build-linux-deb
yarn build-linux-tar
yarn build-linux-tar-arm64
yarn build-windows
yarn build-macos