Releases: v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon
Releases · v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon
- Added a function to simplify hooking language strings from plugins
- Enterprise identities capture feature
- Fixed broken dependency menu validation
- Added a flag to distinguish and validate personal and enterprise networks
- Implemented validations to ensure enterprise attacks are not executed on personal networks and vice versa
- Removed prefix and suffix hint symbols. Now scrambled arabic hint strings are fixed
- Code refactor of the heredocs used for the Evil Twin, WEP and WPS attacks
- Standardize xterm parameters and adjust some colors to override the system's default settings
- Fixed bug parsing version number for newer hcxdumptool versions
- Added WEP besside-ng attack
- Added network decloaking feature using two methods
- Changed third available DoS attack (out of DoS attacks menu)
- Fix auto-update check from Docker
- Fixed graphics system detection when launched on a headless system using remote X windows
- Fixed minor bug on paths when selecting a directory instead of a file while saving a trophy file
- Improvements on OS/distro detection
- Added feature to know during an Evil Twin captive portal attack, if the client accessed the portal
- Added feature to know during an Evil Twin attack, if the client is still present on the network
- Minor visual improvements on Evil Twin's captive portal
- Improvement on command line while capturing PMKID. Now, faster performance and less default timeout (Thank you to "alexl83")
- Fixed bug on view after a failed asleap attack from offline decryption menu
- Fixed issue on default choice when y/n question is asked while capturing a trap
- Fixed issue to prevent the trap function from being executed multiple times on consecutive Ctrl+C inputs
- Added Multi-instance support to launch more than one airgeddon at a time
- Improvements on 5Ghz country code check and 5Ghz band capability detection on adapters
- Fixed bug to avoid set advanced captive portal on second time if is not desired after setting it previously
- Now channel is automatically updated on control window during "DoS pursuit mode" for all Evil Twin attacks
- Fixed error shown while checking if a handshake is wpa2 when wpa3 handshake is captured
- Possibility to add manually ESSID name for selected hidden networks
- Improvement on process killing on Evil Twin attacks
- Add WPS version to network selection menu for WPS networks
- Reordered networks on network selection menus (standard and WPS), now networks with the strongest received signal will be placed last to avoid scrolling
- Fixed small bug on Evil Twin captive portal attack for passwords containing more than one space char
- Fixed Docker routing problem
- Chinese language translation added (Thank you to "zcbxx")
- Fixed bug parsing cracked PIN on WPS reaver Pixie Dust attack for newer reaver versions
- Fixed error on PMKID capturing due hcxdumptool different params for newer versions using bpf filters
- Fixed error on interfaces and process killing on "DoS pursuit mode"
- Improvements and fixes on "DoS pursuit mode"
- Fixed bug on Evil Twin captive portal attack when relative paths used
- Added Consistent Network Device Naming detection check upon interface selection
- Fixed bug on filtered WPA scans when pure WPA3 (SAE) present
- Fixed WPS attacks error message appearing on some Linux distributions
- Fixed bug in graphics system detection for non-systemd systems
- Added optional advanced captive portal including vendor logos
- Custom enterprise certificates creation fix (now sha256) for modern hostapd-wpe versions
- Fixed Docker distro shown (now Kali based)
- Fixed PMKID hashcat hash parsing
- Improvements on graphics system and resolution detection
- Fixed 5Ghz Evil Twin attacks DoS problems
- Added 5Ghz country code check
- Improvements on OS/distro detection
- Fixed problem for latest BeEF
- Fixed broken dependency menu validation
- Added sponsorship mentions
- WPS attacks modified to avoid saved sessions messages
- Adapted conversion for hashcat modern versions
- Fixed minor bug in minimum length setting while bruteforcing using hashcat
- Improvement hashcat use forcing it to use -m 22000 instead of old -m 2500 over handshakes cracking for hashcat modern versions
- Added WSL/WSL2 detection to force exit due to incompatibility
- Extended compatibility to use lspci 3.8 not accepting 0x
- Fixed error showing connected clients in Evil Twin captive portal attack