The Collection of V programs written to solve tasks on Rosetta Code.
- V is listed as Vlang. V was taken already.
- A template file is provided for entries on your task's page; rosetta.txt. Feel free to use it.
- If you do not use the template remember to use:
<lang vlang></lang>
- Please run
v fmt
on your files before posting to RosettaCode or to the GH- I understand that vfmt does not work with generics at the moment (2020-02-22), so please take care with formatting.
I plan run vfmt on the github and check RosettaCode "frequently"
- I understand that vfmt does not work with generics at the moment (2020-02-22), so please take care with formatting.
- Filenames should be snake case and clear enough that the related task can be identified
- If possible:
- try to include a main method where you print to console
- or include some kind of graphic to demonstrate the result
- Put files in a subdirectory as equivalent to the task listing on RC
- i.e. On RC, Averages/Pythagorean Means => progs/Averages/pyth_means.v
- Make a to-do list issue, so people know what you're working on :)
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
- Codingconcepts
- Thundergnat
- Rustem b (rosettacode)
- Adlesh
- Swastik Baranwal