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Agricultural Weather API



This project is to support the UW-Extension's Agricultural Weather Service. Included are the tools to load weather and insolation data from remote sources, calculate and store daily evapotranspiration data, calculate multiple formulas of degreee days, generate and save state-wide maps to display this data, and provide access to all of this information through public endpoints.



# install rbenv
sudo apt -y install rbenv

# install ruby-build
mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins
git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build

# or update ruby-build if already installed
git -C "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build pull

# may need to force git to use https
# per
git config --global url."".insteadOf git://

# install ruby with rbenv
rbenv install 3.3.6 # or latest version

# update bundler to latest
gem install bundler

# update gems...
bundle update

# OR if migrating to a new version of Ruby...
rm Gemfile.lock
bundle install

When upgrading Ruby versions, need to change the version number in the documentation above, in .ruby-version, and in config/deploy.rb.


When upgrading to a new version of Rails, run the update task with THOR_MERGE="code -d $1 $2" rails app:update. This will use VSCode as the merge conflict tool.


# install postgres
sudo apt -y install postgresql-16 postgresql-client-16 libpq-dev
sudo service postgresql start

# Set postgres user password to 'password'
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "alter user postgres with password 'password'"

# install gem pg
gem install pg

System dependencies

Python and eccodes for weather data GRIB files

sudo apt -y install python3 python3-pip libeccodes-tools
pip install ecCodes
grib_get_data # confirm it works

gnuplot and imagemagick for map image creation

sudo apt -y install gnuplot-qt
gnuplot # confirm it works

sudo apt -y install imagemagick-6.q16
composite # confirm it works


  1. Ensure dependencies above are satisfied
  2. Clone the project
  3. Install gems with bundle install in project directory
  4. Create database and schema with bundle exec rails db:setup
  5. Import and process weather data. By default it will fetch the last 5 days.
    • Open the rails console bundle exec rails c
    • Run all the data scripts with RunTasks.all
    • Exit the rails console with exit
  6. Start the server with bundle exec rails s
  7. Server will be listening on localhost:8080


  • Lint code with bin/standardrb, apply fixes with bin/standardrb --fix
  • Run specs with bin/rspec


Work with db admin to authorize your ssh key for the deploy user. Confirm you can access the dev and production servers:

Then run the following commands from the main branch to deploy:

  • Staging: cap staging deploy
  • Production: cap production deploy


Endpoints are described in our API spec file. View the swagger documentation at /docs/index.html