Small project made for learning communication between Docker containers. The project consists of two Docker containers initialized via Dockerfiles and a small code base.
One is a Node.js server using Express.js framework, a basic server which only has two routes: a GET which presents a simple form for voting for your favorite food between two options and a POST that actually saves the votes. The other container is a PostgreSQL database that stores the food votes.
Both containers have reference to volumes and some initializing tasks.
A local Docker installation.
- To initialize the database server, once you clone this repo (and you're on project's root):
cd postgres && docker image build -t node-db . && docker container run --name node-db --rm -p 9999:5432 -v [absolute-path-to/node-postgress-docker]/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data node-db
Once it's done, you should see the following message:
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
- To initialize the node server, once you clone this repo (and you're on project's root):
cd node && docker image build -t node-server . && docker container run --name node-server --rm -p 8888:8888 -v [absolute-path-to/node-postgress-docker]/node/src:/usr/src/app/src node-server
Once it's done, you should be able to visualize the form by browsing http://localhost:8888
Notes: You have to replace the [absolute-path-to/node-postgress-docker] to the path for this project on your local filesystem, without the []
Also, you don't have to use node-db
or node-server
as tags for the Docker containers, you can use any string you like.
(I know the repository name has a typo on "postgress", mea culpa).