This app is responsible to send every X minutes the configures data to Orion Context Broker.
To install you must add the package `` to your requirements.
To set the data that you want to send to OCB you must configure the
correspondent data model. The model must inherit the OrionEntity
model from
this package and the you must set the following property for the model:
from orion_exporter.models import OrionEntity
class Reading(OrionEntity):
timestamp = models.DateTimeField()
def orion_properties(self):
"""Returns orion translation fields"""
fields = {
"<field_name>": self.<field_name>
_type = "<fiware_data_model_type>"
return _type, fields
def orion_properties(self):
"""Returns orion translation fields and type"""
fields = {
"pm10": self.pm10
_type = "AirQualityObserved"
return _type, fields
From this point you are ready to send data to OCB. Before you just need to set in your project settings the task to do it:
# Celery settings for tasks scheduling
'export_to_orion': {
'task': 'orion_exporter.tasks.send_to_orion',
'schedule': timedelta(seconds=10),
# 'schedule': crontab(minute='0', hour='0'),
'options': {'queue': 'orion_exporter'}