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URBANopt District Energy Systems (DES)


The URBANopt District Energy Systems (DES) Package is an extension of the URBANopt SDK designed to analyze the results of URBANopt simulated district energy systems. This package combines results from OpenStudio/EnergyPlus with results from Modelica/Buildings Library to provide detailed thermal and energy performance analysis at a district scale.

This project pulls in the GeoJSON to Modelica Translator (and required dependencies).


pip install urbanopt-des

Developer installation

  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Change directories into the repository: cd urbanopt-des
  • We recommend using virtual environments on principle to avoid dependencies colliding between your Python projects. venv is the Python native solution that will work everywhere, though other options may be more user-friendly.

Once you have set up your environment:

  1. pip install -U pip setuptools poetry
    • This will update pip & setuptools, and install Poetry to manage the project
  2. poetry install
    • This installs the project and all dependencies
  3. Activate pre-commit (only once, after making a new venv): poetry run pre-commit install
    • Runs automatically on your staged changes before every commit
    • Includes linting and formatting via ruff
    • To check the whole repo, run poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
      • Settings and documentation links for pre-commit and ruff are in .pre-commit-config.yaml and ruff.toml
      • Pre-commit will run automatically during CI, linting and formatting the entire repository.


Tests are run with poetry run pytest

Test output will be in tests/test_output/

Example Projects

Example projects leveraging this library will be shared shortly.

Release Instructions

  1. Create a branch named Release 0.x.
  2. Update version in pyproject.toml
  3. Update CHANGELOG using GitHub's "Autogenerate Change Log" feature, using develop as the target
  4. After tests pass, squash merge branch into develop
  5. From local command line, merge develop into main with: git checkout main; git pull; git merge --ff-only origin develop; git push
  6. In GitHub, tag the release against main. Copy and paste the changelog entry into the notes. Verify the release is posted to PyPI.


This package is released under the BSD-3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For questions or issues on the URBANopt DES project, please open a GitHub Issue or reach out to the URBANopt DES team at URBANopt DES Support. General URBANopt documentation can be found at


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