this mono repository contains the following packages:
- schooly backend Node.js server source code
- schooly React.js web source code
- schooly React Native mobile source code
- common package for shared code between the three previous packages
- controller package for shared code between the React.js and React Native packages
the schooly server uses the following tech stack:
- typeScript
- Node.js Appllo server
- PostgresSQL with TypeORM
- GraphQL api with Type-graphql
the schooly frontend is the React.js for the web and React Native for mobile. Each of them has his own package and there is a controller package for the shared code between them.
- the controller package contains the logic to be shared between packages
- the React.js and React Native packages has the connector that connects between the shared controller logic and the Views for each package.
the schooly web uses the following tech stack:
- create-react-ap with typeScript
- antdesign components