This is an example Terraform setup to provision DNS records to Cloudflare and a local Bind instance providers from a single configuration file, with the ability to configure specific values for each provider. Version 2 is implemented without conversion scripts using only native Terraform v0.12.24 data structures (lists, nested maps) and resources (for_each, dynamic blocks) while Version 1 utilized JSON file as a back-end store and a custom script to convert it to Terraform configuration files.
Install Terraform. HashiCorp installation guide
$ terraform -v
Terraform v0.12.24
Clone git repo:
$ git clone && cd vinted-dns
You will need the following data to begin: Cloudflare account ID, Cloudflare API access token, DNS rndc key name, key alorithm and secret. Put this sensitive data as environment variables in a secret.tfvars file as shown below:
Secure file permissions:
$ chmod 0600 secret.tfvars
Start a local BIND server instance locally:
docker pull sameersbn/bind:9.11.3-20200507
Run docker instance:
docker run --name bind -d --restart=always \
--publish 53:53/tcp --publish 53:53/udp \
--publish 10000:10000/tcp --publish 953:953/tcp \
--volume /srv/docker/bind:/data \
Port 10000 is for the webmin admin tool. Access it via https://localhost:1000 with root/password, create your zone and setup rndc key. Make sure to include the following policy for your zone:
update-policy {
grant rndc-key zonesub any;
so terraform is able to update your records. More details: Using rndc and sameersbn/bind
Edit your zones file zones.tfvars to update your DNS records as needed. File format is self-explanatory, variable names starting with providerX_ (ex. provider1_addresses) will be applied to Cloudflare while those starting with provider2_ (ex. provider2_mxs) will be applied to Bind instance only.
Example of A record for www domain name:
record_key1 = {
name = "www"
ttl = 3600
provider1_addresses = ["", ""]
provider2_addresses = ["", ""]
provider1_proxied = "true"
Run tests to validate Terraform configuration:
$ ./
Initialize Terraform:
$ terraform init
Review Terraform plan:
$ terraform plan -var-file=secret.tfvars -var-file=zones.tfvars
Apply Terraform configuration:
$ terraform apply -var-file=secret.tfvars -var-file=zones.tfvars
Verify your global and local DNS records have updated successfully:
$ dig a
;; ANSWER SECTION: 1 IN A **** <- global
$ dig a @localhost
;; ANSWER SECTION: 1 IN A **** <- local