Report to Slack the result of Danger
yarn add danger-plugin-gitlab-slack --dev
To send the Danger report to slack:
// dangerfile.js
import slack from 'danger-plugin-gitlab-slack'
const options = {
webhookUrl: "YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL" // only the webhook URL is required
slack(options) // to invoke at the end of the dangerfile to get the full report
To send a specific message:
// dangerfile.js
import slack from 'danger-plugin-slack'
const options = {
text: "Hello world!", // A custom message to send instead of the report (optional, default: null)
username: "Jacky", // A custom sender name (optional, default: "DangerJS")
iconEmoji: ":sunglasses:", // A custom emoji (optional, default: ":open_mouth:")
iconUrl: "http://path/custom/icon/url", // A custom iconUrl (optional, default: null)
channel: "#general", // A custom channel (optional)
To get a new incoming webhook url, you will have to click here. Keep in mind that optional parameters such as channel or emoji doesn't work with integrations declared as Slack Apps. So it's better to create a simple incoming webhook.
See the GitHub release history.