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Innovation Initiative

Tim Holdsworth edited this page Sep 13, 2019 · 6 revisions

The (Innovation Information Initiative) is a data collaborative including complete standard global datasets about patents and scholarship, open to the public and focused on open-access and freely-licensed data, supporting contributions of new data facets and derivative or synthetic data linked to those standard datasets.

Near-term projects

The Lens Lab -- a portal to, hosted at MIT and providing bulk access to data and metadata about publications by MIT faculty and students, allowing browsing that data, training models on it, and updating + cleaning it.

Target: a public-facing portal by December 2019

A metrics catalog of bibliographic metrics, for papers, authors, journals, funders. Drawing on altmetric and scaling science work.

Target: a public interface for choosing and evaluating metrics on a selected citation graph, by spring 2020

Characterizing a collaboration graph: designing functions that compute the structure of a collaboration graph, providing a structure as descriptive as the current set of ~40 hand-constructed metrics.

Target: ?

Metrics currently implemented on author -> year relationship in scaling science:

property type description
authorAge INTEGER Years since first paper published
citations INTEGER
citationsPerPaper FLOAT
citationsPerPaperDelta FLOAT Change in mean cites per paper over last two years
hIndexDelta INTEGER Change in h-index over the last two years
maxCitations INTEGER Max citations on a single paper author has received
pageRank FLOAT PageRank in coauthor graph
rankCitationsPerPaper FLOAT Rank of author (between 0 and 1) among all other authors in terms of mean citations per year
recentCoauthors INTEGER Total number of coauthors in last two years
totalCitations INTEGER
totalCitationsDelta INTEGER Two year change in total citations
totalPapers INTEGER
totalPapersDelta INTEGER
totalVenues INTEGER Total number of venues author published in
venueCitationsPerPaperDeltaMax FLOAT
venueCitationsPerPaperDeltaMean FLOAT Two year change in mean citations per paper of venues author has published in
venueCitationsPerPaperDeltaMin FLOAT
venueCitationsPerPaperMax FLOAT
venueCitationsPerPaperMean FLOAT Mean citations per paper of venues author has published in
venueCitationsPerPaperMin FLOAT
venueHIndexDeltaMax INTEGER
venueHIndexDeltaMean FLOAT Mean of 2-year h-index change for venues author has published in
venueHIndexDeltaMin INTEGER
venueHIndexMax INTEGER
venueHIndexMean FLOAT Mean of H-indices of venues author has published in
venueHIndexMin INTEGER
venueMaxCitationsMax INTEGER
venueMaxCitationsMean FLOAT Mean of maximum number of citations any paper published in a venue has received for each venue the author has published in
venueMaxCitationsMin INTEGER
venueRankCitationsPerPaperMin FLOAT
venueRankCitationsPerPaperMean FLOAT Ranks of venues (between 0-1) in which the author has published determined by mean number of citations per paper
venueRankCitationsPerPaperMax FLOAT
venueTotalPapersDeltaMax INTEGER
venueTotalPapersDeltaMean FLOAT Two year change in mean of the total number of papers published in venues author has published in
venueTotalPapersDeltaMin INTEGER
venueTotalPapersMax INTEGER
venueTotalPapersMean FLOAT Mean of the total number of papers published in venues author has published in
venueTotalPapersMin INTEGER
weightedPageRank FLOAT In coauthor network
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