Simple News Portal designed using PHP Codeigniter Framework
Database Initialization
- Import db.sql file in your MySQL database
- If you are using PhpMyAdmin,Click on home button,then click on import button(top bar),then Click on Choose File button and choose db.sql file and click on Go button at the bottom
- The sql file will create a database named news_portal and load all the tables in it
- If table or database already exist this will truncate existing database and table and insert them again
Virtual host
- This project is deployed on a virtual host,for this project to work properly virtual host must be created
- is virtual host address
- If you are using XAMPP on windows follow the instructions below
- Open file \apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
- Add the following code at the end of file replacing your XAMPP directory
<VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "<Your XAMPP directory>/htdocs/news_portal" ServerName </VirtualHost>
- Now we need to edit windows host files
- Open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
- Add the following lines at the end of document localhost
PHP mailer configuration
- Open application\config\php_mailer.php
- Set your email and password and choose mail host (Default is Gmail)
- You will also need to allow acces to less secure apps in Gmail (