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An open-source framework for comprehensive video encoder testing.


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Venctester3 - A HEVC video encoder testing framework


uvgVenctester is a video encoder testing framework. The framework provides an easy way to compare the efficiency and output quality of different encoders with a generic, simple API.

Supported encoders


  • Windows 10 or Linux
  • FFmpeg
    • Must be in PATH and able to be used as ffmpeg
  • CMake
    • Must be in PATH and able to be used as cmake
  • git
    • Must be in PATH, in particular this might require some work in Windows
  • wkhtmltopdf
    • Only needed for the PDF generation otherwise optional
  • Python interpreter (3.8+)
  • vmaf
    • The VMAF release v2.0.0 changed how the models worked, and older versions of FFmpeg do not support using those models. If this is the case, checkout v1.4.7 of the VMAF repository.
    • FFmpge version 4.2 and the older VMAF model versions are confirmed to work
  • Python libraries
    • requirements.txt has a list of needed libraries. pip install -r requirements.txt
    • vmaf is not currently on pypi and needs to be installed manually
      1. Clone the repository
      2. Go to vmaf/python
      3. Run python install
  • Generally any prerequisite of each encoder is required to build said encoders

Windows 10 only:

Linux only:

  • Make
    • Must be in PATH and able to be used as make
  • GCC
    • Must be in PATH and able to be used as gcc


Clone this repository and install the dependencies.

Adding new feature is covered in here.


Build the Dockerfile with docker build -t venctester .

Then the build container can be run like docker run -v /path/to/test_sequences:/test_seqs -v /path/to/output:/out venctester ./ Alternatively one can set the paths correctly in the file and call it as ./ ./

One should note that the output files should be prefixed with /out/ for them to exist outside of the docker container. For example /out/example.csv


1. SSH

The tester clones source code from relevant git repositories using SSH or HTTPS. Make sure you have an SSH key set up, or use HTTPS for cloning.

2. Tester configuration

Check that the configuration variables (see the Customization section below) match your system and override them if needed. In particular, check the following:


  • csv_decimal_point
  • csv_field_delimiter
  • vmaf_repo_path
  • Relevant git repositories

Windows only:

  • vs_install_path
  • vs_year_version
  • vs_major_version
  • vs_edition
  • vs_msvc_version
  • vs_msbuild_platformtoolset

Example usage

1. Set the required configuration variables.

  • This example is on Windows
  • To use the existing examples copy them from the examples directory to the root level of the repository
  • More comprehensive example in examples

from tester.core.cfg import *

Cfg().vmaf_repo_path = "vmaf"
Cfg().vs_install_path = r"C:\Microsoft Visual Studio"
Cfg().vs_year_version = "2019"
Cfg().vs_major_version = "16"
Cfg().vs_edition = "Enterprise"
Cfg().vs_msvc_version = "19.26"
Cfg().vs_msbuild_platformtoolset = "v142"
Cfg().kvazaar_remote_url = ""

2. Import your configuration file and the tester library.

import userconfig
from tester import Tester, Test, QualityParam, ResultTypes
from tester.core import csv
from tester.encoders import Kvazaar
  • It's possible to set the Cfg() variables inside the but in that case it is important to note that when the parallel encoding / result generation is used the changes made inside __name__ == "__main__" guard or any function called inside the guard will not be visible inside the parallel units. Currently the only variables that are effected are frame_step_size and vmaf_repo_path but if you are unsure it is safest to set the Cfg() variables in the or at the lowest level of

3. Specify the video sequences you want to have encoded.

  • The file paths are relative to tester_sequence_dir_path (default: current working directory)
  • Wildcards can be used
  • The file names must contain the resolution, and may contain the framerate, frame count, bit depth, and chroma format (?P<name>.+)_(?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+)_?(?P<fps>\d+)?_?(?P<total_frames>\d+)?.yuv
    • If the name doesn't contain the framerate, it is assumed to be 25 FPS
    • If the name doesn't contain the frame count, it is computed automatically from the size of the file, with the assumption that chroma is 420 and 8 bits are used for each pixel
    • Regexes that are used to match the file names can be added and removed to the variable Cfg().sequence_formats and must use named parameters.

input_sequence_globs = [

4. Specify the encoder configurations you want to test.

test1 = Test(
    quality_param_list=[22, 27, 32, 37],
    cl_args="--gop=8 --preset ultrafast --no-wpp --owf 5",

test2 = Test(
    quality_param_list=[100000, 250000, 500000, 750000,],
    cl_args="--gop=8 --preset ultrafast --owf 5",

test3 = test2.clone(
    cl_args="--gop=8 --preset ultrafast --no-wpp --owf 5",
    anchor_names=["test1", "test2"],

configs = [

Required parameters for Test():

  • name The name of the test configuration
    • Arbitrary, but must be unique
  • cl_args Additional encoder-specific command line arguments
    • Must not contain arguments conflicting with those generated from the other parameters to this function (e.g. quality_param_type)
  • encoder_type The encoder class to be used
  • encoder_revision The Git revision of the encoder to be used
    • Anything that can be used with git checkout is valid
    • If use_prebuilt is defined then this will be concatenated to the encoder name, i.e., "kvazaar_" + encoder_revision

Optional parameters for Test():

  • anchor_names A list containing the names of the configurations the configuration is compared to, if any
  • quality_param_type The quality parameter to be used (QP or bitrate)
    • Default: QualityParam.QP
    • The type of quality parameter may vary between test configurations
  • quality_param_list A list containing the quality parameter values with which the test will be run
    • Default: [22, 27, 32, 37]
    • All configurations must have a list of equal length
  • encoder_defines A list containing the predefined preprocessor symbols to be used when compiling, if any
    • Default: []
  • use_prebuilt Whether a prebuilt encoder is used or build from the source
    • Default: False
    • The prebuilt encoder should be placed in the directory spesified by Cfg().tester_binaries_dir_path in format "<encoder_name>_(.exe)" .exe only in Windows
  • seek An integer specifying how many frames at the start of each input file will be skipped
    • Default: 0
    • Applies to every sequence
    • All configurations must have the same seek
  • frames An integer specifying how many frames are encoded
    • Default: All
    • Applies to every sequence
    • All configurations must have the same frames
  • rounds An integer specifying how many times a test is repeated
    • Default: 1
  • env Dictionary of environmental variables passed for the encoder
    • Default: None

Test.clone() accepts the same parameters as Test().

5. Initialize the tester and create a testing context.

tester = Tester()
context = tester.create_context(configs, input_sequence_globs)

6. Run the tests.

tester.run_tests(context, parallel_runs=1)
  • parallel_runs Determines how many encodings are run in parallel.
    • Default: 1
    • 1 Recommended when encoding time is measured and for encoders with built in parallelism

7. Calculate the results. (Optional)

                       result_types=(ResultTypes.TABLE, ResultTypes.CSV, ResultTypes.GRAPH))
  • parallel_calculations How many metrics are calculated in parallel
    • Default: 1
    • If VMAF is included recommended value is cpu_cores / 16, without VMAF cpu_cores / 4. Keep in mind that VMAF requires quite a lot of RAM
  • result_types Which result types will be used for determining which metrics are necessary to calculate
    • Default: (ResultTypes.TABLE, ResultTypes.CSV, ResultTypes.GRAPH, )
    • If you don't know what you are doing it is recommended to not call compute_metrics explicitly, except if removing encodings is turned on. In that case the compute_metrics must be called explicitly if you are generating more than one type of outputs.

8. Output the results to a CSV file.

  • If the file already exists, it will be overwritten!
  • If the metric computation was not performed explicitly this will perform call compute_metrics(context, parallel_calculations, [ResultTypes.CSV]

tester.generate_csv(context, "mycsv.csv", parallel_calculations=1)
  • parallel_calculations will be passed to the compute_metrics and not used in any way for the csv generation

9. Output summary tables.

  • If the file already exists, it will be overwritten!
  • If the metric computation was not performed explicitly this will perform call compute_metrics(context, parallel_calculations, [ResultTypes.TABLE]
  • format_ Explicitly define the format
    • Default: None , i.e., guessed from the file extension
    • table.TableFormat.PDF and table.TableFormat.HTML currently supported
  • parallel_calculations will be passed to the compute_metrics and not used in any way for the csv generation
  • pdf generation requires wkhtmltopdf and setting the Cfg().wkhtmltopdf varialble to point to the executable

10. Output RD-graphs

  • If the files already exist, they will be overwritten!
  • If the metric computation was not performed explicitly this will perform call compute_metrics(context, parallel_calculations, [ResultTypes.GRAPH]
tester.create_tables(context: TesterContext,
                     basedir: Path,
                     parallel_generations: [int, None] = None,
                     parallel_calculations: int = 1)
  • basedir Where the generated graphs should be placed
    • Each sequence will have a separate graph
    • If the directory does not exist it will created
  • parallel_generations How many processes to use for generating
    • Default: None
    • If None the process number will match the number of cores.
  • parallel_calculations will be passed to the compute_metrics and not used in any way for the csv generation


Any public property/attribute of tester.core.cfg.Cfg can be overridden by the user.

Example: Specifying Visual Studio and related tools

from tester.core.cfg import *

Cfg().vs_install_path = r"C:\Microsoft Visual Studio"
Cfg().vs_year_version = "2019"
Cfg().vs_major_version = "16"
Cfg().vs_edition = "Enterprise"
Cfg().vs_msvc_version = "19.26"
Cfg().vs_msbuild_platformtoolset = "v142"

Example: Customizing CSV output

from tester.core.cfg import *
from tester.core.csv import *

# You might want to set path for your test sequences.
Cfg().tester_sequences_dir_path = r"C:\User\test_sequences"

# You might have to set these depending on your system language settings.
Cfg().csv_decimal_point = ","
Cfg().csv_field_delimiter = ";"

# Enabled fields from left to right. Any field not included in this list will be omitted from the CSV.
# The list of all possible values can be found in tester.core.csv.
Cfg().csv_enabled_fields = [

# Must include all the fields listed in CSV_ENABLED_FIELDS.
Cfg().csv_field_names = {
    CsvField.SEQUENCE_NAME: "Input sequence",
    CsvField.CONFIG_NAME: "Config",
    CsvField.ENCODER_CMDLINE: "Command line arguments",
    CsvField.TIME_SECONDS: "Encoding time (seconds)",


An open-source framework for comprehensive video encoder testing.







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