An application which posts to Mastodon and Bluesky, importing questions, written statements etc from data APIs.
This app uses Ruby on Rails, dependency management via bundler.
Ruby version management can use rvm
or asdf
out of the box. Note that if installing ruby versions (3.3.6 for example) on macOS, you may need to add the open ssl directory manually.
Usually you can install new ruby versions with
rvm install 3.3.6
However this can fail on some macOS installations. To remedy this:
Make sure open ssl v3 is installed using brew
brew install openssl@3
and then get the installation path where this is installed.
brew --prefix openssl@3
and finally try installing rvm like this
rvm install 3.3.6 --with-openssl-dir=[Put the openssl install dir here]
You might be able to get away with this if running bash
rvm install 3.6.6 --with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl@3)
There is no javascript pipeline
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