Convert EAD files to tab-delimited data to be uploaded into Calisphere.
(Or something like that. Hey, if you have a better description for this workflow, please open a pull request!)
This section is for building a version of the program that has Node.js bundled with it, so you can provide it to end users who can run it directly from their command line without having to install Node.js. If the user has Node.js installed and is comfortable running Node.js programs, skip down to "Running the program directly".
- git
- Node.js
Use your git client to clone this repository. From within the resulting directory:
npm ci
npm run build-cli
That should generate three files:
- ead2calisphere-linux (a Linux executable)
- ead2calisphere-macos (a macOS executable)
- ead2calisphere-win.exe (a Windows executable)
From the command line, run the executable by itself to get a usage message. For example, on macOS:
$ ./ead2calisphere-macos
Usage: ead2calisphere input.xml [output.tsv]
To test it out, you can use the test/input/aids-rp.xml file in this repository for your input file.
./ead2calisphere-macos test/input/aids-rp.xml
That will print results to STDOUT. Optionally, provide an output file name after the input file:
./ead2calisphere-macos test/input/aids-rp.xml myoutputfile.tsv
The instructions are the same as for "Running the application" above but use
Node.js to run the index.js file in the repository instead. (You will need to
run npm ci
first to install dependencies.)
$ node index.js
Usage: ead2calisphere input.xml [output.tsv]
This software is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.