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Motif IntelliJ IDE Plugin Help

arteghem edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 18 revisions

How do I view the Motif scopes graph?

You can visualize and browse the entire Motif scopes graph by opening Motif plugin window and click the 'Refresh' button. Upon graph computation, you will see in the 'All Scopes' tab the list of root scopes. These scopes can expanded individually, but you can also expand the entire hierarchy to view all scopes by clicking the 'Expand' button.

How do I locate my scope in the Motif scopes graph?

In the 'All Scopes' tab, press CMD + f and type the first letters of your scope name. You can navigate through matching scope with up/down arrow keys.

How can I see the list of ancestors for my scope?

In the Project or Editor window, right click on your scope and select 'Motif' -> 'Show Ancestors'

How can I see where an object / scope is used in Motif?

In the Project or Editor window, right click on your scope and select 'Motif' -> 'Find Usage'

How can I quickly see if my code has Motif error?

If you made code changes since the last time you refreshed the Motif graph, you need to update the Motif graph by clicking the 'Refresh' button. If your code has Motif error, UI will switch automatically to the 'Error' tab and display the list of errors. Selecting an error will take you in the editor window when this error is coming.

How can I see which dependencies are provided (or consumed) by my scope?

In the 'All Scopes' tab, click on your scope. The metadata panel below will display the display of objects it provides internally and externally (@Expose). It will also show the list of objects from the graph consumed by this scope. These entries can be expanded to reveal which scope is provided a given object.