An ExpressionEngine plugin of the Detector library - a simple, PHP- and javascript-based browser- and feature-detection library that can adapt to new devices & browsers on its own without the need to pull from a central database of browser information.
Note: Some of the variables listed below (indicated with comments) require a script to be added to the <head> of your page which accesses the Detector library. Because of this, the Detector library is included in the third_party themes folder, rather than the third_party add-ons folder.
Make sure the Detector directories user-agents/core/, user-agents/extended/, and config are writable by your web server. This is where profiles and configuration information are stored.
Add the {exp:deetector} tag pair anywhere in your template to gain access to its variables.
Some of the variables (indicated with comments below) require the following to be added to the <head> of your page.
<script src="/themes/…/deetector/libraries/util/js-include/features.js.php?dynamic=true"></script>
{!-- Browser/OS --}
{window_height} {!-- Requires per-request tests --}
{window_width} {!-- Requires per-request tests --}
{colour_depth} {!-- Requires per-request tests --}
{!-- Device --}
{hi_res_capable} {!-- Requires per-session tests --}
{!-- Conditional variables --}
{!-- Browser features --}
{!-- CSS3 --}
{!-- HTML5 --}
{!-- {audio} Commented out because causing errors --}
{!-- {video} Commented out because causing errors --}
{!-- {input} Commented out because causing errors --}
{!-- {inputtypes} Commented out because causing errors --}
{!-- Miscellaneous --}
A sample template is included so that you can quickly test the add-on.