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Provides GitHub many organization / repos gulp tasks shared by TyphonJS and beyond.


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Provides GitHub many organization / repos gulp tasks shared by TyphonJS and beyond.

The transform Gulp tasks are optional and only load if the following NPM modules are installed:

The following are example entries in package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "typhonjs-github-inspect-orgs": "^0.1.0"
    "typhonjs-github-inspect-orgs-transform": "^0.1.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "gulp": "^3.0.0",
    "typhonjs-github-orgs-gulptasks": "^0.1.0",
    "typhonjs-npm-build-test": "^0.1.0"

An example gulpfile.babel.js initializing the transform tasks:

import fs            from 'fs';
import gulp          from 'gulp';

import gitGulpTasks  from 'typhonjs-github-orgs-gulptasks';

// Import all GitHub Orgs gulp tasks

// Loads owner / user public access tokens from environment variables or from `./token.owner` and `./token.user` in
// the root directory.
let ownerCredential = process.env.GITHUB_OWNER_TOKEN;
let userCredential = process.env.GITHUB_USER_TOKEN;

// If user ownerCredential is still undefined attempt to load from a local file `./owner.token`.
if (typeof ownerCredential === 'undefined')
   try { ownerCredential = fs.readFileSync('./token.owner', 'utf-8'); }
   catch(err) { /* ... */ }

// If user userCredential is still undefined attempt to load from a local file `./user.token`.
if (typeof userCredential === 'undefined')
   try { userCredential = fs.readFileSync('./token.user', 'utf-8'); }
   catch(err) { /* ... */ }

// Fail now if we don't have an owner token.
if (typeof ownerCredential !== 'string')
   throw new TypeError('No owner credentials found in `process.env.GITHUB_OWNER_TOKEN` or `./token.owner`.');

// Fail now if we don't have a user token.
if (typeof userCredential !== 'string')
   throw new TypeError('No user credentials found in `process.env.GITHUB_USER_TOKEN` or `./token.user`.');

// Defines TyphonJS organizations.
const organizations = [{ credential: ownerCredential, owner: 'typhonrt', regex: '^typhonjs' }];

// Import all tasks and set `rootPath` to the base project path and `srcGlob` to all JS sources in `./src`.
   rootPath: __dirname,
   importTasks: ['transform'],
   inspectOptions: { ctor: { organizations, verbose: true } },
   transformOptions: { ctor: { transformType: 'text' },  methods: { credential: userCredential } }

The above example Gulp file uses Babel / ES6 which is installed by typhonjs-npm-build-test. To configure the GitHub Orgs Gulp tasks a owner and user GitHub public access token containing public_repo and read:org permissions is either set as environment variables (useful for Travis CI testing) in process.env.GITHUB_OWNER_TOKEN and process.env.GITHUB_USER_TOKEN or in local files ./token.owner and ./token.user. It should be noted that if storing public access tokens in local files that the given project should include a .gitignore file that prevents checking them in as GitHub will invalidate those tokens if they are checked in as part of a commit.

In particular regarding configuration please review:

// Import all tasks and set `rootPath` to the base project path.
   rootPath: __dirname,
   importTasks: ['transform'],
   inspectOptions: { ctor: { organizations, verbose: true } },
   transformOptions: { ctor: { transformType: 'text' },  methods: { credential: userCredential } }

The second parameter to gitGulpTasks is an options hash that must contains:

@param {object} options - Optional parameters:

(object)          inspectOptions - Hash of options for GitHubInspectOrgs with following categories:

   (object)       ctor - Constructor options for GitHubInspectOrgs creation.

(object)          transformOptions - Hash of options for GitHubInspectOrgsTransform with following categories:

   (object)       ctor - Constructor options for GitHubInspectOrgsTransform creation.

   (object)       methods - Options passed into GitHubInspectOrgsTransform method invocation. The `all` category of gulp tasks
                            defined will remove `credentials` entries.

   (object)       tasks - Options specific to controlling task creation below:

      (boolean)   skipNonCredentialTasks - If true then skip all tasks that don't require credentials.

Please review the documentation for options available for:

The following is a description of all imported Gulp tasks for typhonjs-github-inspect-orgs-transform with links to related documentation from typhonjs-github-inspect-orgs-transform:


Provides GitHub many organization / repos gulp tasks shared by TyphonJS and beyond.







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