My superpower is reading documentation and the code I depend on. This has enabled me to develop high-performance software in three domains: web servers, open-source robotics, and wireless signal processing.
- CppCon 24 - C++/Rust Interop
- ROSCON23 - Parameters Should be Boring
- ROSCON23 - Retro ROS 2 Launch
- Boulder Rust Meetup - C++ Interop
- cps-config Drop in replacement for pkg-config based on .cps files
- cps-deps Generate .cps files from .pc files
- ubuntu-jammy-cps CPS files for Ubuntu Jammy (22.04)
- C++ Interop Part 1 - Just The Basics
- C++ Interop Part 2 - CMake
- C++ Interop Part 3 - Cxx
- C++ Interop Part 4 - Binding to a C++/CMake/Conan Project
- 🦾 Contributor and Maintainer for MoveIt 2
- >100 commits landed into the main repo
- Author of Tutorials for new users
- Driving Discussion about API Design
- Rewrite of Optimization based Inverse Kinematics library
- Migrated Infrastructure to GitHub Actions
- 🧰 Tooling Libraries for ROS
I am looking for mentoring for giving talks at programming language meetups and conferences.
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curl | gpg --import
- 📃 Resume