LFS is a Go package that implements an optimized algorithm for solving the Lagrange four-squares problem, even for very large integers.
It computes a representation of any positive integer n
as the sum of four squares:
This implementation is highly optimized for very large integers (e.g., 1000 bits, 2000 bits, or more).
The underlying algorithms are based on Section 3 of the paper Finding the Four Squares in Lagrange's Theorem with additional improvements that significantly enhance performance.
Below is a simple example:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new solver with default options.
solver := lfs.NewSolver()
// Define a large integer.
limit := new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 1200)
n, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, limit)
if err != nil {
// Compute the four-square representation.
result := solver.Solve(n)
// Display the result.
fmt.Printf("Representation of n as sum of four squares: %s\n", result)
// Verify the representation.
if lfs.Verify(n, result) {
fmt.Println("Verification succeeded: The squares sum to n.")
} else {
log.Fatal("Verification failed: The computed squares do not sum to n.")
The solver is configurable via functional options when creating a new instance. For example:
- WithFCMThreshold: Sets the threshold above which the advanced FCM algorithm is used.
solver := lfs.NewSolver( lfs.WithFCMThreshold(new(big.Int).Lsh(big1, 600)), // Use FCM for numbers ≥ 2^600 )
- WithNumRoutines: Sets the number of concurrent goroutines for the randomized search.
solver := lfs.NewSolver( lfs.WithNumRoutines(8), // Use 8 goroutines for parallel computation )
This project requires the following dependencies:
- txaty/go-bigcomplex: A big complex number library supporting big Gaussian and Hurwitz integers.
- lukechampine.com/frand: A fast randomness generation library.
This project is released under the MIT License.