Side Effect
- Cherbourg, France
- http://sideeffect.io
- @nakodark
Async State Machine aims to provide a way to structure an application thanks to state machines. The goal is to identify the states and the side effects involved in each feature and to model them inโฆ
AsyncExtensions aims to mimic Swift Combine operators for async sequences.
CombineExt provides a collection of operators, publishers and utilities for Combine, that are not provided by Apple themselves, but are common in other Reactive Frameworks and standards.
Feedbacks is a tool to build feedback loops within a Swift based application. Feedbacks relies on Combine and is compatible with SwiftUI and UIKit
XcodeCoverageConverter aims to provide a tool to convert xccov code coverage results into continuous integration friendly formats
Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift
Azure DevOps extension used in CI pipeline to upload screenshot in test results report.
Spin aims to provide a versatile Feedback Loop implementation working with the three main reactive frameworks available in the Swift community (RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine)
UIKit Demo application using Spin with RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine.
SwiftUI Basic Demo application using Spin with RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine.
SwiftUI Demo application using Spin with RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine.
UIKit Demo application using Spin with RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine.
Utilities for tests that wait for Combine publishers
An iOS library that presents a bottom sheet using Auto Layout.
RxReduce is a lightweight framework that ease the implementation of a state container pattern in a Reactive Programming compliant way.
A collection of Rx operators & tools not found in the core RxSwift distribution
A Swift playground to play with Type Erasure concept
RxFlow is a navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern
This iOS app streams your camera so you can watch it in a simple web browser (MJPEG stream)
Navigation framework for iOS applications based on a weaving pattern
Handy RxSwift extensions on NSObject, including rx.disposeBag.
The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, โฆ โ Get rid of all String-based APIs!