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Camera control

Stefan Jaud edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 4 revisions

This page explains how to navigate within the OIP's viewport in order to see the model from different perspectives.

Predetermined views


The house icon above the right corner of the viewport moves the model to the centre of the viewport and zooms to show the whole model.

This can be achieved using the keyboard shortcut H as well.

View cube

The view cube in the right corner of the viewport enables to change the perspective. There are 6 (faces) + 12 (edges) + 8 (vertices) = 26 different possibilities.

View menu

The view menu above the left corner of the viewport allows to change the perspective to these preset values.

View Explanation
Top You see the x-y-plane towards negative z-axis
Bottom You see the x-y-plane towards positive z-axis
Left You see the y-z-plane towards negative x-axis
Right You see the y-z-plane towards positive x-axis
Front You see the x-z-plane towards negative y-axis
Back You see the x-z-plane towards positive y-axis
Isometric Camera looks towards (x,y,z)=(1,1,1)

Free navigation

There are two possible ways of free navigation, as explained below.

NOTE: Most of the code responsible for the listed actions is part of void Viewport::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event), should you wish to tweak anything.

Option 1: Mouse mode (default)

Key combination Effect
Alt + LMB + move rotation
turn MMB zoom in/out
MMB + move zoom in/out
RMB + move translation

Legend: LMB, MMB, RMB = left, middle, and right mouse button, respectively.

Option 2: Spectator mode

You need to select the ghost icon above the right corner of the viewport to enable/disable spectator mode.

This can be achieved using the keyboard shortcut T as well.

Here you can move through the model using the following commands.

Key Action
W move forwards
A move left
S move downwards
D move right

Changing the direction is achieved using the left mouse button and moving the mouse.

You can change the speed of movement using the mouse wheel.


The projection of the model can be changed using the Projection menu above the right corner of the viewport. The possible options are Perspective (default) and Orthographic.

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