KWinCrosshair has been tested with Qt 4.8 and KWin 4.9, but it should work with Qt 4.6 and KWin 4.7 or newer.
In your terminal, go to the directory containing the project sources and run:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.kde4
$ make
$ make install
This will install the effect for the current user only.
Proceed as described in "Enabling and configuring".
In your terminal, go to the directory containing the project sources and run:
$ make
Run make install
as root, for example:
$ sudo make install
$ su
# make install
This will install the effect into the /usr prefix, so it will be available for all users.
First, to make sure that KWin detects the effect, log out and log in again to restart KDE, or restart KWin only by running:
$ nohup kwin --replace > /dev/null &
Then, go to "System Settings -> Desktop Effects -> All Effects" and select "Crosshair". Alternatively, you can run:
$ kcmshell4 kwincompositing