A small website that takes a user entered zipcode and retrieves the current weather using the AccuWeather API http://danielherrera.space/weather/
CSS icons were made by Tiffany Du and were retrieved from https://codepen.io/tiffanyadu/pen/OprNrV. Text animations were made by Brielle and were retrieved from https://codepen.io/buntinb/pen/OEjENG.
The site was tested on both mobile and desktop using both Chrome and Firefox. Zipcodes entered that aren't 5 digits long require the user to enter another zipcode. Zipcodes from outside of the US are also not considered valid. Zipcodes that contain letters or other characters are not valid.
The CSS icons don't seem to play well with the animations. When new icons are drawn there is a shift in the icons. For example, when the rain icon loads the rain lines will appear vertical at first and then shift to an angle when the animations are finished.
Possible improvements would include fixing the issue stated above, as well as adding an extended forecast.