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Relational is a simple in-memory library built on the foundational relational algebra.

A relation is a list of JavaScript objects, called records. In addition it is also a function from the primary key to the record it specifies. You can think of the relation as having the following type:

relation: (p: PrimaryKey) => Record | undefined

where PrimaryKey is a subset of Record.

Relational provides a simple API to query and combine data stored in a normalized form. The idea is to store your data, for instance in your Redux store, in a normal form to reduce data duplication and all the bugs that come with storing duplicate or nested data.

The API is functional in nature and always returns a new relation without mutating your data. It is also much nicer to work with than SQL.

Basic Usage

Create a relation employees:

const listOfEmployees = [
    id: 0,
    fullname: 'Tarjei S',
    birthDate: new Date('1995'),
    mentorId: 1,
    id: 1,
    fullname: 'Henrik L',
    birthDate: new Date('1992'),
    mentorId: undefined,
    id: 2,
    fullname: 'Emil S',
    birthDate: new Date('1990'),
    mentorId: 0,
    id: 3,
    fullname: 'Morten O',
    birthDate: new Date('1990'),
    mentorId: 0,
    id: 4,
    fullname: 'Mikael B',
    birthDate: new Date('1991'),
    mentorId: 0,
    id: 5,
    fullname: 'Michael N',
    birthDate: new Date('1988'),
    mentorId: 0,

const employees = relation(listOfEmployees);

The records() method extracts the records in the relation as a list:

employees.records(); // same as listOfEmployees

Extract a single employee by applying the relation to an object representing the primary key of the relation. Undefined if there is no matching record.

employees({ id: 0 }); // { id: 0, fullname: 'Tarjei S', ...}

Filter the relation using the select() method: => < 3);

Select only the columns you need using the project() method:

employees.project('fullname', 'birthDate');

Chain the calls to query the data you need:

    .select(employee =>
        employee.fullname.length < 7 && > 1)
    .project('id', 'fullname')

Advanced usage

One relation is not that interesting though! What we want is to combine multiple relations. Consider a one-to-many relationship where every employee might have 0 or many phone numbers, but every phone number needs an employee.

const phoneNumbers = relation([
  { employeeId: 0, phoneNumber: '555 678' },
  { employeeId: 0, phoneNumber: '45459615' },
  { employeeId: 1, phoneNumber: '555 1234' },

To combine our two relations we need to join them. The join method is a general way of combining the two relations where you specify a predicate which determines which records are to be joined. However, mostly we just need to compare one column from each relation, which we can do using the innerJoin method.


If you only want their names and phone numbers, you can project only those columns:

    .project('fullname', 'phoneNumber');

// { fullname: 'Tarjei S', phoneNumber: '555 678' }
// { fullname: 'Tarjei S', phoneNumber: '45459615' }
// { fullname: 'Henrik L', phoneNumber: '555 1234' }

Consider mentorId as a foreign key to id in the same relation. We can join on the same relation as follows:


The two records are combined using Object.assign, and as such columns with the same name survive from the right most relation.

As usual in relational databases, you would use a "junction relation" to model a many-to-many relationship. Consider the following group relationships:

const groups = relation([
  { groupId: 0, group: 'Gruppe 1' },
  { groupId: 1, group: 'Gruppe 2' },
  { groupId: 2, group: 'Gruppe 3' },
  { groupId: 3, group: 'Gruppe 4' },
  { groupId: 4, group: 'Gruppe 5' },

const groupMemberships = relation([
  { employeeId: 0, groupId: 1 },
  { employeeId: 0, groupId: 2 },
  { employeeId: 2, groupId: 1 },
  { employeeId: 1, groupId: 4 },

You would join them as follows to get all the employees with all their group memberships.


More Relational Algebra

The fundamental set operations are intersection, difference and union. To get all employees which are not part of a group, we can first select all employees which do have a group membership, and then remove them from the employees relation.

const employeesInAGroup =

const employeesWithoutAGroup =

These basic building blocks can be used to implement pretty much anything, however some convenience methods are provided.

map is a general way of transforming every record in a relation. update is a more restricted version of map, more akin to the SQL update command, which always produces a relation of the same type. For instance you could capitalize everyone's name like so:

employees.update(e => ({...e, fullname: e.fullname.toUpperCase()}));

Similarly, insert adds a new record to the relation.


A typed relational algebra library






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